Billy the Fish
Yes, at the time, but vaccinations have dropped in the last five years. Social media is playing a part in that by still spreading fake news.
Ahhhh, I see. There's absolutely no excuse for not having it these days.
Not if you know how the Lancet does peer review. I met Richard Horton at an editor's meeting some years ago. He told me they have a 'hanging committee' that meets each Friday (probably after a pleasant lunch) where papers are discussed. A decision is taken normally to reject or to publish. This is based primarily on interest.
FFS. This assumes tacit expertise. This is the biggest error in peer review. The questions to ask are 90% about hypothesis and experimental design. Even proper science journals (Lancet is medicine) are poor at interrogating design and analysis. Blinded, randomized, well-powered, proper use of ANOVA and due consideration of multiple comparisons.....
This paper stank to high heaven and the conclusions were absurd, and borderline criminal in their implication.
Happy to chat further PM, but not on here.
Wowzers! Thanks for explaining. As a total layman I'd just assumed that there was a minimum standard required to get research published, i.e the raw data is available and it's been peer reviewed.