Dangerous Idiot
Oh dear.
Educate yourself.
Oh dear.
You are probably right we will learn something. Probably not enough for certain posters to shift from their binary positions in this discussion.Funny isn't it, When I saw the thred appear I briefly thought it might be a civilised discussion about the pro's and cons of an emerging inexperienced manager and whether it was too big a step up or a challenge achieved . . . .NSC has a long history of civility. Then I realised it was modern NSC. How quickly it got to bear pit hostility is quite impressive, even by post millenial NSC standards.
As for tonights game, surely we'll learn something ? and take it with us moving forward ( whilst going backwards! I saw GP at the training ground yesterday[url]https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftenor.com%2Fsearch%2Fmoonwalk-gifs&psig=AOvVaw1jemOdaTjKwCMh6NxUIQBm&ust=1610615623577000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNirwe7ImO4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAM )[/URL]
You are probably right we will learn something. Probably not enough for certain posters to shift from their binary positions in this discussion.
Clearly this all got out of hand when 'fence' was removed from the polls![]()
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The fact you even wrote that tells me your either Swansman or just another sad Potter groupie. If you are a genuine BHA fan ‘his’ post would of offended you, the fact it didn’t tells its own story.
tells me your either Swansman
If you are a genuine BHA fan ‘his’ post would of offended you
A little sad to see decent passionate Albion supporters digging each other out, largely based on whether they do or don't resent a noisy non-Albion poster starting provocative threads that do or don't resonate with said posters' views about our manager, and not even anything as fundamental as that in some cases.![]()
I just got this great idea: we should discuss if Graham Potter is good enough or not good enough.
There might be one or forty three other threads on this subject but that didnt stop anyone before.
Personally I think he is good. What do you think? I'm very interested in your definitely not watery opinions on this definitely not watered down subject.
Yet you don’t have an issue with Swansman abusing postersYou’re very rude and unpleasant to people who disagree with you aren’t you? And why so abusive to Swansman, I’ve not seen him swear at you the way you did him. I don’t care how long you’ve supported the club that is very uncalled for.
And educate myself? The irony. Well ok, you asked for it.
It’s “you’re”. “You’re either..”
It’s “have”. “Would have”.
Free of charge lesson for you. And Porter out.
Agreed, and lets face it, a fance is thin. The polls should really have a rampart and 6' wide flint wall option, it'd be busy, but we'd all fit on. something like this. View attachment 132416
i think that potter in out discussions should be banned , it does eff all in the scheme of things and can only have a negative effect on any players who happen to saunter through the site .........the fact that Ryan has been cut off and Maupay has lost his nerve is far more important , players involved in dressing room spat , one takes the fall for the other , team unity is ****ed ....what i heard from someone who knows someones dog.
My dog chases the fox that lives over the road and passes through our garden regularly to see if our chickens have served themselves up for him. . The fox knows f*ck all about the inner workings of BHA FC . . . just like us. but like some NSC contributors, the fox is a wind up merchant.
THe fox probably listens to prog rock as well. But not REO Speedwagon, my dog would have torn his head off by now if he'd heard that crap.
obviously not your dog then and i would call Zappa , Jean Luc Ponty or Gong prog rock ....Reospeedwagon are just lame glam rock eejits
Are we going to find out that he’s not even Swedish next?![]()
My dog gets a bit of Zappa, in realtity he's more of a psychedelic hound.