She’s going nowhere
Dare I say it, Corbyn would have done a better job.
They will never elect him.Time to replace her with someone who can stand-up to Brussels, and deliver a complete break from their plans for a federal Europe. Time for Boris.
Haven’t read the thread but if I were her I’d have walked away from this poisoned chalice long ago.
I suggest no policitian would have been able to ride this shitstorm and got less abuse.
Time to replace her with someone who can stand-up to Brussels, and deliver a complete break from their plans for a federal Europe. Time for Boris.
Time to replace her with someone who can stand-up to Brussels, and deliver a complete break from their plans for a federal Europe. Time for Boris.
YES, WRITE OFF 17+MILLION VOTES just like that , what planet are you on
.........a better job of f***ing it up may be, though it looks like he may soon have the opportunity. That should be a farcking nightmare.
so its ok to write off 16 million who voted remain or the other 10 million or so who were so confused by the whole shambles?
I don't know what to think really, its just a **** up from start to finish. As a remainer, her deal is about the best scenario if we do actually leave - so if leave has to happen, this deal will have the most support. But as it appears probable that if its voted down we end up staying, I'm kind of keen that that happens instead.
I don't get your logic. If I vote Labour it's because I think Labour has better policies than the Tories. Having May remain as Tory leader rather than - say - Mogg, makes Labour getting elected more likely, ergo I'd want May to stay on.