Plus ca change...
Do you do anything other than read, and regurgitate, stuff from those whose views you agree with?
It strikes me as such as a sad and bitter little world that you seem to inhabit.
Any mug who feels sorry for her can get f***ed , hostile environment and now this. She is as hard hearted as it comes and karma is hopefully going to make her life as miserable now as she has made others
Plus ca change...
Frankly, he's absolutely no worse than anyone else. I don't really understand why you always take issue with Ernest.
Strangely, it feels as though her stock, with the public at least, is on the rise right now.
We really are in a mess. We have a bunch of Tories MPs (about 70) who have destroyed our Parliamentary democracy. We have an opposition party who under the current leadership really have nothing to offer. I find myself (a labour voting remainer who hates fox hunting) having some sympathy with Theresa May.
Really need the 450+ MPs who voted remain to get together form a unity party and get the country straight.
Do you do anything other than read, and regurgitate, stuff from those whose views you agree with?
It strikes me as such as a sad and bitter little world that you seem to inhabit.
TBH neither do I , maybe he would be in a sad and bitter little world if he or one of his family was disabled and trying to deal with the DWP and the NHS waiting months for an appointment
Time to replace her with someone who can stand-up to Brussels, and deliver a complete break from their plans for a federal Europe. Time for Boris.
And Parliament asked the people what they wanted to do and they gave their view, hopefully things have moved on a little since the 18th century. It doesnt change my personal view that if an MP cant carry out the result of a referendum that Parliament sanctioned they shouldnt be there. Sorry if that differs from your view, but thats my right isnt it?
Time to replace her with someone who can stand-up to Brussels, and deliver a complete break from their plans for a federal Europe. Time for Boris.
If only there was some way of seeing if that would play out across the whole electorate.........
amazed that 46% still believe we should jump over a cliff ..
54% if you take into account the 'referendum on whether or not to accept the deal' - because I would guess the folk who went for that are Leavers - otherwise they would have gone for the No Brexit option?
TBH neither do I , maybe he would be in a sad and bitter little world if he or one of his family was disabled and trying to deal with the DWP and the NHS waiting months for an appointment
I have nothing but praise for the NHS as in May 1995 I visited an NHS dentist at 11,45 am who saw a spot in my tongue and arranged for me to see a specialist at Royal Surrey Hospital Guildford at 2pm . by 4.00pm I had been admitted and diagnosed with mouth cancer at 8am next day I was operated on and told to pack up drinking neat spirits and smoking cigars or have a life expectancy of another 6 months, .23 years on and I am still going, to the annoyance of many. Where else could I have got such good attention and service.