Apparently rampant government corruption and letting the “bodies pile high” wasn’t a deal breaker for some people![]()
Labour have won four West Sussex County Council seats in Worthing!
Quite. Being in the minority when the majority are collectively falling for a lie, is no bad thing. As I said to them in another thread, be careful of the gloating*, this is politics, nothing lasts forever.
*especially when they have no real understanding of what they are gloating over.
Cameron’s great lie was that the Labour Party’s borrowing was at the route of the 2008 crash. So many people bought into that. Whilst Brown should have legislated against banks, Osbourne was on the other side screaming for deregulation as UK banks invested heavily in the US sub-prime mortgage market. The Tories made the electorate believe it was spending on rebuilding schools & hospitals that had done for the country, almost all economic academics agree that their austerity policy was an abject failure but the electorate seems happy that Johnson has switched to Labour spending policies having ridiculed them at the last election.
And that brings me on to Boris. Himself & Farage have convinced working people, much like Napoleon on animal farm, that the pigs at the top, the ones skimming off the cream and sorting their mates out, are on their side. The enemy of working people is the EU, it’s BLM, it’s identity politics where minorities such a Trans people seek recognition and respect, it’s the intellectual classes who think they are smarter than the rest, it’s the media with their PC nonsense. Drunk on nationalism, Boris has the Country right where he wants it.
He is the appeasement of ignorance and fear, the solution to those who look back with rose tinted glasses at the past, those who fear globalisation, those who fear educated people, those who blame the liberal middle class for the Country’s woes.
You have to admire the skill of this opportunist pig of a man, as his slops about in his sty ranting of ignoring ‘bodies piled high’ so his old man can get down the pub or over to his holiday home. You have to wonder how on earth he can be stopped now, this pig-in-shit can do no wrong for the majority of voters in this country at the moment; they don’t care about the lies because they know he is a liar.
Cameron’s great lie was that the Labour Party’s borrowing was at the route of the 2008 crash. So many people bought into that. Whilst Brown should have legislated against banks, Osbourne was on the other side screaming for deregulation as UK banks invested heavily in the US sub-prime mortgage market. The Tories made the electorate believe it was spending on rebuilding schools & hospitals that had done for the country, almost all economic academics agree that their austerity policy was an abject failure but the electorate seems happy that Johnson has switched to Labour spending policies having ridiculed them at the last election.
And that brings me on to Boris. Himself & Farage have convinced working people, much like Napoleon on animal farm, that the pigs at the top, the ones skimming off the cream and sorting their mates out, are on their side. The enemy of working people is the EU, it’s BLM, it’s identity politics where minorities such a Trans people seek recognition and respect, it’s the intellectual classes who think they are smarter than the rest, it’s the media with their PC nonsense. Drunk on nationalism, Boris has the Country right where he wants it.
He is the appeasement of ignorance and fear, the solution to those who look back with rose tinted glasses at the past, those who fear globalisation, those who fear educated people, those who blame the liberal middle class for the Country’s woes.
You have to admire the skill of this opportunist pig of a man, as his slops about in his sty ranting of ignoring ‘bodies piled high’ so his old man can get down the pub or over to his holiday home. You have to wonder how on earth he can be stopped now, this pig-in-shit can do no wrong for the majority of voters in this country at the moment; they don’t care about the lies because they know he is a liar.
WTF have 'trans people' got to do with it LMFAO
Yes, nothing last forever in politics but that only applies to the Tory Party. If they lose an election they work out the reason and address it. Labour have your attitude ie it’s the electorate that’s wrong, they are being lied to and are too stupid to understand. The outcome ? Lose, lose, lose, lose, Blair, Blair, Blair, lose, lose, lose, lose’.
I wonder who actually is the stupid one ?
But that’s just your interpretation and it’s fine for you to think that way. Many of us don’t interpret the award of contracts in a hurry when the NHS wasn’t coping in the early stages of the pandemic as corruption. We think it was understandable disarray. The bodies comment was crass but no more. Not great but a long way from your view. We could debate this for the rest of time or you could just accept that people have different opinions and that doesn’t make them stupid. Just accept that you and other Labour Party types are not definitive possessors of the truth. If Labour gets that message and actually listens to the electorate it will have a chance. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be in the DNA. We are just stupid and gullible and don’t know what’s best for us because we disagree. Plus ca change.
Just a reference to yer fellow right wing man Cunny Fergie who referenced Trans toleration as an issue the electorate has with the Labour Party.
I blame the Tory’s and their supporters first and foremost. The electorate has fallen for a lie. First Brexit and then supporting Johnson. I wish it wasn’t the case.
The fact that Labour are next to useless shouldn’t distract from the fact that the Tory party are rotten to the core.
That’s no one else’s fault but the Tory’s.
How is awarding companies with no prior experience of making PPE, ventilators and a worthless track and trace system (none of which was delivered), but conveniently have links to the party either through family or friends being investors or the companies being party donors, over companies who actually supply said products, and were willing to do so at cost, not corruption or, at the very least, cronyism?![]()
Yes, nothing last forever in politics but that only applies to the Tory Party. If they lose an election they work out the reason and address it. Labour have your attitude ie it’s the electorate that’s wrong, they are being lied to and are too stupid to understand. The outcome ? Lose, lose, lose, lose, Blair, Blair, Blair, lose, lose, lose, lose’.
I wonder who actually is the stupid one ?
No, the electorate hasn’t fallen for a lie. You are a citizen in a modern, democratic country and have had all the benefits that come with that, one of which is an education. You have no excuses for your failure to understand the idea that people simply disagree with you.
How is awarding companies with no prior experience of making PPE, ventilators and a worthless track and trace system (none of which was delivered), but conveniently have links to the party either through family or friends being investors or the companies being party donors, over companies who actually supply said products, and were willing to do so at cost, not corruption or, at the very least, cronyism?![]()
No, the electorate hasn’t fallen for a lie. You are a citizen in a modern, democratic country and have had all the benefits that come with that, one of which is an education. You have no excuses for your failure to understand the idea that people simply disagree with you.
The irony. People fell for a lie. Look at Brexit. Lie after lie. The people that voted for it need to accept they bought a lie and take some responsibility.
People need to accept some responsibility for voting for a corrupt government, whose handing out of “crony contracts” cost lives, wasted billions and made the chums of the Tory party very rich indeed.
People need to accept responsibility for voting for someone who is corrupt.
They either fell for the lie or they are so morally bankrupt, they simply don’t care.
Your argument gets thinner every time you regurgitate it.
Absolutely spot on. Spot on. I have little to add, only to say that these people can be brought down very quickly. Things change rapidly. Having said that, I can’t recall the last time one party did so much damage to the U.K. in such a short period of time.
In ten years they have absolutely trashed our economy, our reputation and our power. And it looks like the Union is going to break up in the next couple of years. It’s very sad.
You are rewriting history. The country was desperate when ministers were begging for ventilators. It was the scariest day of the pandemic. It will all be investigated but you have already made up your mind because it suits your politics. That’s the nuance that you and others on the left cannot understand. You see I’m not saying you are wrong but equally I am not rushing in with condemnation.
You sound like a 5 year stamping your feet. I’m just curious as to why you think you are some sort of intellectual titan that would give you some foundation for your belief that you are right and everybody that disagrees is stupid and thick. Can you provide any evidence to back up your feeling of superiority ? I’m guessing not which is the reason I suggested that a decent education should have given you the capacity to process and respect different points of view.