There we go. A solid example of what I've been talking about. People here couldn't really give a shit when they see Keir Starmer spending most of PMQs probing about decorating and curtains. What they do care about is the all too rare occurrence of a politician delivering on their promises. And with the plaster ripped off for a lot of people here when it comes to voting Tory, they're now a lot more savvy and open-minded when it comes to choosing where their cross in the box goes. By no means am I saying that these traditional Labour areas won't swing back that way in the short-medium term, but it's somewhere where the party really needs to pull its socks up and show some fighting spirit. In the 2019 election, Corbyn and his top team essentially ignored the North East, assuming it was a done deal, whilst Boris visited probably a dozen times during the campaign.
Which harks back to what I said last week . . .The Tories know how to win , labour don't
they play different games.
most people will vote locally and for what directly affects them, hence what we've seen on a very local basis with green councillor, hoping to make a difference in our town.
I've no idea who our Mayor is!