Tice is a bellend, I am not sure if he is anti vax - but it comes over as it.
Devi sridhar on the other end of the spectrum seem to talk down the vaccine as much as possible - complete idiots.
The problem with the Vaccine passport is it plays right into the Ickes of the worlds hands
Vaccine passports where a conspiracy theory and laughed at when they mentioned it a year ago, now here we are
I always thought of them as a sensible way forward, not forever and definitely not compulsory, and I’ve heard balanced discussions about them throughout the last 16 months.
I haven’t heard one sensible person saying they should be compulsory.
Whilst there are dangerous variants around, why should an unvaxed covid denier threaten the health of the compliant rest of us or those medically unable to have the vax eg on a flight? The airport, plane or football stadium is private property. Freedoms/rights come with responsibilites.
Anything sensible to get the world and life moving again.