Hi Harry,
Who are the vulnerable minority and how should they be shielded and protected?
Is it just those with underlying probs and the ancients or does it include a 72 year old like me who is in average health for my age?
Just wondering!![]()
The cut off, like all cut offs, is arbitrary. Looking at ONS data, I would set the cut off at 65 (in fact, make it 66 to tally with 'retirement age'. But risk assessments like this are based purely on probabilities, and the decision is based on what 'feels' acceptable. Any dcision made by government will additionally factor in political considerations (i.e., how any decision is likely to go down with voters).
In men there have been almost 5000 Covid related deaths in the 65-74 age group. However the 'Covid related' deaths are only half the number of excess deaths during the peak in April (which are clearly covide related by not recorded as such). So I'd say 10,000 males aged 64-75 died dirctly or indirectly from Covid. Jump to the 75-84 year band the number of deaths double. So we are looking at 20,000 (same calculation). By contrast the equivalent number for those age 14-44 is only 680. Then factor in actual numbers of people: Far more men are aged 14-44 (about 13 million) than 64-75 (3.3 million) or over 75 (about 2 million)!
So you can see the risk of death from Covid increases exponentially with age. That's without factoring in comorbidities (lung disease, hypertension in particular). From the numbers above, risk of Covid death in men jumps from 680 in 13 million for those aged 14 to 44, to 10,000 in 3.3 million (aged 64-75) and 20,000 in 2 million (aged over 75).
From these data, in relative terms, if you are age 64-75, you chance of dying from covid, based on real data, is 58 times higher than if you are aged 14-44. Likewise if you are 75 or over your chance of dying from Covid is 191 times higher than if you are aged 14-44. So the young might feel 191 times less cocky if they were old. Is that worth doubling the risk of infecting an elderly relative, one might ask? Apparently so, judging from the clamour in some wuarters to gt rid of all restrictions.
These numbers don't discriminate on the basis of health so clearly if you are not immunocompromised and have no lung issues your risk will be lower than that of others in your age group, but age seems to be critically important, judging by the very low numbrs of deaths in those under 44.
See https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopula...glandandwalesprovisional/weekending31july2020 and https://www.statista.com/statistics/281174/uk-population-by-age/
All the best.