Again with the qualifications thing?
It's because a) you won't answer it or b) you have and now want to pass it off as "a joke".
This place is full of layman's opinions but that's not what you've been supposedly offering.
Again with the qualifications thing?
Are people who work in manufacturing now key workers who can send their kids to nursery/school?
Are people who work in manufacturing now key workers who can send their kids to nursery/school?
Why is this an HM Passport Office document ?
It's because a) you won't answer it or b) you have and now want to pass it off as "a joke".
This place is full of layman's opinions but that's not what you've been supposedly offering.
I personally know a few people have had enough of this board.
Not a contradiction, just an observation old boy.
I personally know a few people have had enough of this board.
Judging by my post to like ratio (up until recently when I started replying to insults from bullies like you) I’d say a lot of people wouldn’t want me to ‘**** off’.
Again with the qualifications thing? I see many opinions on here and they are never met with the same questioning. It seems you only ask for qualifications when someone doesn’t agree with you.
No, I’m not a doctor or a scientist, just like 90%+ of people on here aren’t. If you actually watched the videos I posted you will see that I agree with scientists and doctors who don’t agree with the lockdown. That really shouldn’t be too hard to understand. Ah, but in your world they are all obviously fake because they aren’t on the main stream media.
I can answer it, but there’s no need to.
Your call for qualifications makes you seem snobbish. Maybe you have a thing against Southwick? Half of my family are from Portslade if that makes you feel any better.
Too many
Just for the record:
Boris Johnson's address to the nation in full:
"In step two – at the earliest by June 1 – after half term – we believe we may be in a position to begin the phased reopening of shops and to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages, beginning with reception, Year 1 and Year 6.
And yet you keep posting as well...…..
Did you read my post, I mentioned that I had not experienced this from you. I've hardly posted on here in the last couple of weeks.
Not a contradiction, just an observation old boy.
I personally know a few people have had enough of this board.
Judging by my post to like ratio (up until recently when I started replying to insults from bullies like you) I’d say a lot of people wouldn’t want me to ‘**** off’.
Again with the qualifications thing? I see many opinions on here and they are never met with the same questioning. It seems you only ask for qualifications when someone doesn’t agree with you.
No, I’m not a doctor or a scientist, just like 90%+ of people on here aren’t. If you actually watched the videos I posted you will see that I agree with scientists and doctors who don’t agree with the lockdown. That really shouldn’t be too hard to understand. Ah, but in your world they are all obviously fake because they aren’t on the main stream media.
No, I'm just interested as to why you are dodging the answer to a question you claim to have "won" with "a joke".
I am a scientist and 'doctor' (PhD). I know of no scientists or doctors who don't agree with 'the lockdown'. The smartest person I know and his entire modeling department decamped weeks before the rest of us in self-imposed lockdown. You can always trawl the web for contrary opinions on anything. I can assure you the stuff you rate is not mainstream because it's shit.
As for people leaving NSC, yes, some troubled characters have vanished over the last 20 years. They found they couldn't lie, bully or bluster their way forward without reprimand or ridicule, and flounced. But there are far more people online than ever before. Indeed some people who have struggled with NSC and have been banned, have been let back with a new name and have been good company. I can't think of a single decent contributor to NSC, with one possible exception, who has flounced or been banned and not returned. Even old droopy can't keep away.