I think one of the most pleasantly surprising things about the whole pandemic has been how prepared the public have been to put their lives on hold for "the greater good", other than a few morons and numpties like Piers Corbyn and his dimwit mates. I'd never have thought that could happen two years ago.
I actually think it’s got better.
Dec/Jan 2020/21, lots of evidence that people ignored lockdowns with big house gatherings. R5 had at the time had public health experts on from eg Welsh health trusts.
Dec 2021, from two angles, I know pub/restaurant owners who said their premises were a third full, even at NYE. Also loads of friends/family/neighbours who steered clear of meal out or party invites with “we don’t want to catch covid, with the ensuing self isolation”.
Mask wearing - we went to London yesterday, on Thameslink, near universal mask wearing on busy trains, in London stores nearly 100%. Impressive.