You appear to believe in absolutely every conspiracy and crackpot theory going.
You pray at the altar of David Icke, a man who believes that the Royal Family are lizards.
both extremelly untrue. icke is probably an asset
You appear to believe in absolutely every conspiracy and crackpot theory going.
You pray at the altar of David Icke, a man who believes that the Royal Family are lizards.
For your information,I don't read newspapers or MSM. Maybe when you're older you'll look back and laugh at the puerile drivel you believed as a child.
...tons of CT are complete nonsense....put in the mix to cloud real information.
For your information,I don't read newspapers or MSM. Maybe when you're older you'll look back and laugh at the puerile drivel you believed as a child.
Gullible? Let's talk about gullible. You believe in Chem Trails, Al-Qaeda being a CIA front, 7/7 being a government planned conspiracy, Madeleine McCann being a victim of ritual child abuse, you claim to have studied alchemy, the global recession is a Rothschild conspiracy, cancer can be cured by natural remedies and pharmaceutical companies are suppressing the cure, you claim to be invisible to the UK authorities, 9/11 - see notes re 7/7 but with rockets disguised as planes, that you don't need insurance to drive a car on the UK roads.
then why do you believe the official story of 7/ that only came from the MSM? did you not see the panorama programme a year before you not know about the drill that the same places?
Believe what you want, it's a free world (but you'll probably say it isn't) All I'm concerned with is the untruths you posted about the Tavistock Square bombing. We still get crackpot calls from deluded individuals, like you, that are very upsetting to those that have to listen to them. Face the fact that when one element of a conspiracy theory is proved to be blatantly incorrect, the rest collapses like a house of cards. One day, no doubt, there will be a conspiracy theory about conspiracy theories, and you'll probably be the first to post about it on here.
1 girl out of thousands that has gone missing.....and she is the only one in the press ALL the time? why? maybe because her aristocratic "in with the elitists" parents were in on the sacrifice (child sacrifice is rife if one just does a few mins research). they keep harvesting emotional pain and sadness thro her photo.
sounds crazy to most, but just look into the eyes of her parents......all probably planned before she was born.
THE MADELEINE McCANN MYSTERY – A CONSPIRACY OFÂ*SILENCE McCann Exposure: Exposing myth, distortion, corruption and truth
OT- Conspiracy theories. The Madeleine McCann case in General Discussion on Free Katie Forum
there is so much to this case, so many cover ups.
My god man, get involved in some sports, eat some vitamin c, get a girlfriend, have a night out but above all stop peddling this unadulterated horsecock.
my god man, get involved in some sports, eat some vitamin c, get a girlfriend, have a night out but above all stop peddling this unadulterated horsecock.
then why do you believe the official story of 7/ that only came from the MSM? did you not see the panorama programme a year before you not know about the drill that the same places?
I cannot recall, as it was some time ago but you posted this flimsy notion on a thread and one of the more sensible members on here thoroughly, resolutely, unequivocably, and rather joyfuly debunked your entire argument. Which is not hard to do as they are feathery little ideas bandied about by watery little digits such as yourself.
I cannot recall, as it was some time ago but you posted this flimsy notion on a thread and one of the more sensible members on here thoroughly, resolutely, unequivocably, and rather joyfuly debunked your entire argument. Which is not hard to do as they are feathery little ideas bandied about by watery little digits such as yourself.
“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along...All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” - Hermann Goering, during the Nuremberg trials.
Brunswick, why do you post on this site?
Why do people find this stuff so hard to get? Governments engage in false-flag terrorism. Western governments are not exempt. I'm certainly not saying that you should believe that everything is a conspiracy, but believing that everything is as presented is just as foolish.
There really are dark characters, playing dark games, in dark places. Grow some balls and assimilate this into your perspective or you are living in as much a fairytale as you accuse "conspiracy theorists" of living in.
False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well i think you should try and recall it. the 7/7 truth movement is not "feathery little ideas" - so much so that a new version of the 7/7 ripple affect was released it and then come back with your surface level fleeting comments.