Okay I'll stick my head above the parapet! Something had to be done differently. We are going down a very slippery path where it is clear that the standard ways of dealing with things is not working, for anyone - most countries are suffering in exactly the same way we are. The perceived wisdom of the tried and tested solutions are not working, because funnily enough we haven't had a situation like this before. Global Pandemic, followed by war in Europe, together with fuel crisis. Three massive events all coming at the same time. Who is to say that the old economic thinking still works? I admire the fact they are trying something different and believe she needs time for this to play out. It may be a fail, but given the hand she was dealt, at least she is trying to find a new path, rather than just the same old tired economic plans. The institutions don't like it because it's different. That doesn't mean to say it's wrong. We won't know that for some time.
And it is no surprise to me she is floundering in these interviews. She has an awful lot to deal with at the moment. Would be very difficult for any one person to have all the answers right now. Look at Biden for goodness sakes, all over the place.
"Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? She must not be here"
Right, our economy is in tatters and you're taking potshots at Biden in what can only be described as an utterly feeble attempt at deflection.
Mods? Can we get a mod in here?
Okay I'll stick my head above the parapet! Something had to be done differently. We are going down a very slippery path where it is clear that the standard ways of dealing with things is not working, for anyone - most countries are suffering in exactly the same way we are. The perceived wisdom of the tried and tested solutions are not working, because funnily enough we haven't had a situation like this before. Global Pandemic, followed by war in Europe, together with fuel crisis. Three massive events all coming at the same time. Who is to say that the old economic thinking still works? I admire the fact they are trying something different and believe she needs time for this to play out. It may be a fail, but given the hand she was dealt, at least she is trying to find a new path, rather than just the same old tired economic plans. The institutions don't like it because it's different. That doesn't mean to say it's wrong. We won't know that for some time.
And it is no surprise to me she is floundering in these interviews.
"Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? She must not be here"
I don't remember Thatcher going down the path of crashing the economy and having to be rescued by the BOE within days of taking office. And whatever people thought of her politics, I don't think you'll find many who would claim she was an incompetent idiot.
But carry on![]()
Right, our economy is in tatters and you're taking potshots at Biden in what can only be described as an utterly feeble attempt at deflection.
So it seems Liz Truss decided to do the rounds on BBC Local Radio this morning (largely to avoid having to speak to the national broadcasters, it's been claimed) on the basis she and her team thought she'd get an easier ride on these stations. So, how did it go for yon Liz?
Probably worth saying that the dollar rate is back up to $1.09, it was $1.08 pre the mini budget.
Probably worth saying that the dollar rate is back up to $1.09, it was $1.08 pre the mini budget.
Probably worth saying that the dollar rate is back up to $1.09, it was $1.08 pre the mini budget.
I doubt many will bother saying it though... doesn't play into the PANIC narrative.
Biden has overtly rejected trickle down economics and the dollar is strong and the US economy doing much better.
Truss has embraced trickle down economics and .... well ..... you know the rest.
I doubt many will bother saying it though... doesn't play into the PANIC narrative.