Well-known member
- Jan 18, 2014
- 8,275
top post. not even truss's new notional enemy, the "anti growth coalition", could generate enough hatred to coalesce the motley party around her. ah well,!Not to equate this current shower's ideology with Hitler's fascists, but there are interesting political parallels to be spotted in the third series of BBC2's 'Rise of The Nazis'. The current series is confusingly titled, dealing, as it does, with the fall of the Nazis. Previous series have highlighted how Hitler deliberately sowed division among factions to maintain his own power, and the current series is showing the culmination of this approach when the power at the centre starts to crumble. All factions are unable to put aside their internal rivalries and hatreds and just end up fighting like rats in a bag. Armando Ianucci's 'Death of Stalin', although fictionalised, deals with the same issues occurring in the 1950's Soviet Union.
For the Conservative Party, this goes all the way back to Major's arguments with the anti-European 'Bastards'. The factionalism never went away after his massive defeat, but was actually increased by arrivestes and attempted compromises. Cameron's arrogant gamble of the UK's future on a referendum was done solely to try to end this internal squabble within his party. However, instead, it just started open warfare. Cameron's blindly ambitious fool of an Eton classmate, might reference Robert Graves' 'I Claudius' and say that the decision 'Let all the poisons that lurk(ed) in the mud, hatch out.'
The referendum result was 52% to 48%. Such a close outcome would logically point to democratic support for a middle ground compromise version of leaving that would maintain single market and customs union links. Instead, the whole business became a media fuelled mad scramble to be more Brexiteer than thou that was only going to be won by the 'swivel-eyed loons.' Johnson purged the party of any MPs willing to say 'The King is in the altogether' and the country is now left with the rump: A bunch of dogmatic ideologs who had no serious policies for tackling real world challenges and no ability to compromise with those who had a different view, because their only talent was a knack for convincingly blaming all of the nation's problems on a list of 'others' that was headed by immigrants and the EU. A talent that would have been considered very useful during 'The Rise of the Nazis', but that is of no use to anybody once the lie has become apparent to all.