That was my pointBut Canute was very wise because he was doing it to show his courtiers that he couldn’t when they thought he could….. allegedly.

<sigh> I'm wasted on here

That was my pointBut Canute was very wise because he was doing it to show his courtiers that he couldn’t when they thought he could….. allegedly.
I was thinking exactly that last night!Does the interrogator on SAS Who Dares Wins remind you of anyone?
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Something was very wrong this afternoon. Liz Truss seemed disengaged to say the least, and at least one person was concerned about her.
We are all OK with mental health issues these days. If Liz Truss was having a mental health episode, be it stressed out, panic attack or something similar, then in the new spirit of being 'completely honest with the British public', she and her party should tell us.
It really doesn't.If MMT proposed many of the things that you says it does then yes I would agree, it would be bollocks. But it doesnt. MMT describes how our system actually works now all the time. New money is being created all the time. Apart from the job guarantee, its not a set of policy proposals. Its agnostic politically. The MMT description of the economy is a bit like a circulating water system. Money is introduces when the government/banks turns on the tap (keystrokes) , the water flows around the system (the economy), some leaks out (e.g. abroad), and then goes back to the governments drain (tax). New money is injected when required. You`re right when you say that a sovereign fiat currency such as the UK does have the capacity to create an infinite amount of money and does not have to balance the books. This is because it is not a currency user but the issuer of the currency. Its role is analogous to the banker in a monopoly game or the score keeper in a football match who can never run out of goals. Also as the government is money issuer it does not need taxation or "borrowing" to fund its expenditure. Taxation serves many functions, one of which is to help control inflation, but MMT also proposes other controls such as the job guarantee, and indeed
If MMT proposed many of the things that you says it does then yes I would agree, it would be bollocks. But it doesnt. MMT describes how our system actually works now all the time. New money is being created all the time. Apart from the job guarantee, its not a set of policy proposals. Its agnostic politically. The MMT description of the economy is a bit like a circulating water system. Money is introduces when the government/banks turns on the tap (keystrokes) , the water flows around the system (the economy), some leaks out (e.g. abroad), and then goes back to the governments drain (tax). New money is injected when required. You`re right when you say that a sovereign fiat currency such as the UK does have the capacity to create an infinite amount of money and does not have to balance the books. This is because it is not a currency user but the issuer of the currency. Its role is analogous to the banker in a monopoly game or the score keeper in a football match who can never run out of goals. Also as the government is money issuer it does not need taxation or "borrowing" to fund its expenditure. Taxation serves many functions, one of which is to help control inflation, but MMT also proposes other controls such as the job guarantee, and indeed a reduction in spending to cool things down. In a fiat system, taxation also gives value to the currency, and can be used to create equity and ecourage desirable social outcomes. MMT does not advocate big public spending when the economy is running at full capacity.
In a fiat system, taxation also gives value to the currency, and can be used to create equity and ecourage desirable social outcomes. MMT does not advocate big public spending when the economy is running at full capacity.
If she isn't having massive anxiety I would be amazed.
Her every waking second must be akin to a living nightmare of turning up at school without your trousers on.
Her leadership is the Dunning Kruger effect taken to it's absolute limit.
On a humane level she must go.
If a shepherd got a new sheep dog and the first thing it did was started eating lambs ...
Well, according to Mogg "she is a very good PM",
Liz Truss apologises for going ‘too far and too fast’ with economic changes – as it happened
Latest updates: In BBC interview, Liz Truss refuses say if her vision is ‘dead’ and vows to fight next
Apparently she's having the cabinet round for drinks at No.10 tonight. The last thing you want to do if you're stoned out of your head is have alcohol with Tories. She'll be on the floor retching before Newsnight starts....
Is that why she couldn't make it earlier today, she was blowing up the balloons and making the cheese and pineapple hedgehogApparently she's having the cabinet round for drinks at No.10 tonight. The last thing you want to do if you're stoned out of your head is have alcohol with Tories. She'll be on the floor retching before Newsnight starts....
**shudder**When Boris stepped down (was pushed), there was some commentary that he didn't really accept it and he expected to be back. At the time I thought it was totally delusional madness.
But today, I absolutely wouldn't bet against them sticking that fuckwit Boris back in number 10. It may turn out, despite he's buffoon act, he is playing 5D political chess here. Just a shame he couldn't put that skill towards making things better rather than just holding power for the sake of holding power.
Shellshocked. Maybe a spliff would help.She looked stoned out of her tiny mind.
Is Poo Boris taking that Truss Piglet to a Chinese Pork Market?
Or Lithium Liz.Librium Liz sounds about right.
Up was down, night was day. And was the prime minister OK? | John Crace
Librium Liz appeared for a brief, silent cameo in the Commons as her captors, Jeremy Hunt and Penny Mordaunt, held