Well, at least the barristers' strike has ended. They graciously accepted a FIFTEEN per cent pay rise. FIFTEEN bloody percent - the greedy ********.
Meantime nurses are having to be balloted because they have been offered a derisory 4%.
"A junior barrister who has less than three years experience can expect to earn on average a salary of £40,300 per year."
"This pay award means that a newly qualified Nurse at the start of Band 5 will now earn £27,055 a year"
I hope the nurses learn from the barristers success. You come out and stay out.
Other figures are available according to the Criminal Bar Association (CBA), which says that crime juniors scrape up annual average earnings of £12,200 in their first three years. Criminal lawyers have long warned that early career incomes are less than minimum wage.
Also the 15% increase only applies to new cases and doesn't include existing ones, so thanks to the Tories there is already a backlog of two years given how they have sold of Courts and run down the justice system.