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Labour 14 point lead in latest opinion poll.


Active member
Feb 12, 2012
The Tories have slumped to a 14-point deficit behind Labour, according to an opinion poll.

The survey for the Sunday Express by pollsters Angus Reid puts David Cameron's party on just 29% - compared to 43% for Labour.

The paper said that it represented Labour's biggest lead over the Conservatives since December 2002 when Tony Blair was in Downing Street and Iain Duncan Smith was the Tory leader.

The poll findings also make grim reading for Mr Cameron's coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, who are on just 9% - level pegging with the UK Independence Party.


Aug 21, 2005
Crap Town
The opposition can have a mammoth lead mid term but it has to be maintained until the actual election.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2011


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2011
Incumbents in low mid-term polls shocker! :D

It doesn't matter what the polls say at any time IMO, it's what matters when people actually get to vote that matters.

Polls only seems to matter to politicians, media and party members/fanboys. To the rest of the public, they are an utter irrelevance. Polls don't change who's in power do they....


New member
Feb 16, 2011
1:12 - 1:36



Well-known member
Jul 14, 2005
Have to say not surprised,but come election time it wll be a different matter,sure the economy is flat,but when you look at europe we are doing better than many of them are,keep the markets on our side by being serious on deficit reduction. The best thing that Cameron and Co can do is keep Miliband & Balls as the Labour leaders.

Albion Dan

Jul 8, 2003
The Tories have been an absolute shambles. Ok Labour had to rack up debt to steer us through the GLOBAL financial crisis and could have made more hay whilst the sun was shining but the tories havent got a bloody clue. They cant even do a budget without u turning every policy. They are the ultimate ostrich. Not one policy to create the growth required to get us out this mess.

pork pie

New member
Dec 27, 2008
Pork pie land.
The Tories have slumped to a 14-point deficit behind Labour, according to an opinion poll.

The survey for the Sunday Express by pollsters Angus Reid puts David Cameron's party on just 29% - compared to 43% for Labour.

The paper said that it represented Labour's biggest lead over the Conservatives since December 2002 when Tony Blair was in Downing Street and Iain Duncan Smith was the Tory leader.

The poll findings also make grim reading for Mr Cameron's coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, who are on just 9% - level pegging with the UK Independence Party.

Proof if needed that your average British voter is clueless! The "New Labour" idiots should never be elected again. The Tories may be heartless, but at least they will not leave our country in the total mess left by the other lot.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
I think under Red Ed it'll be completely different...Tony and the Blairites were crooks of the highest order and lied to us (more than your average politician). Red Ed has got my vote to be honest!

Then I feel sorry for you.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
totally agree ,,,, they are the twats who got us into this mess

this....... but what the hell lets make our policy to just keep on borrowing and borrowing and borrowing, in the midst of the worst financial credit crisis in history.

no person would be able to run their personal finances in the way the last government ran the countries. Labour are better at social policy imho but a f*cking disaster with the economy who have left power the last 2 times leaving the country virtually bankrupt.

severnside gull

Well-known member
May 16, 2007
By the seaside in West Somerset
Surprised if only because Milliband doesn't command the most respect in his own family let alone in the Labour Party or the country?
Shows how badly "Call Me Dave" has misjudged the electorate with his unseemly focus on getting the billionaires' club on board.

Silent Bob

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 6, 2004
Incumbents in low mid-term polls shocker! :D

It doesn't matter what the polls say at any time IMO, it's what matters when people actually get to vote that matters.

Polls only seems to matter to politicians, media and party members/fanboys. To the rest of the public, they are an utter irrelevance. Polls don't change who's in power do they....
Who do you think they poll, cats or something?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
I think under Red Ed it'll be completely different...Tony and the Blairites were crooks of the highest order and lied to us (more than your average politician). Red Ed has got my vote to be honest!

the unions which control the labour party picked the wrong brother, Kinnock was ahead in polls but got beat and so will Ed. David M would have had a good chance. Not so much to do with Ed being a union controlled puppet, but he is a limp weed, with about as much charisma as a biscuit and not a commander in chief.

Ed Balls and Yvette cooper 2 of the most vile 2 faced opportunists..... If Labour could sort out their shit I may again look at them, as I did in 97, but the current party made a complete balls up of their golden opportunity and I don't think they've learned a single lesson.

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