Twats everywhere
She looks like a circus clown without the squirting flower.........
Looks like two of the links are showing the results of a serious investigation in to the reasons and the results of abortion by ordinary people and the Mirror link is a standard cash story.
A standard cash story like this one.
"Ordinary" people have abortions. "Ordinary" people discuss these abortion with national press (as the links show), and more commonly with family planning and abortion rights websites. It isn't common to announce the abortion beforehand because of the media furore it can cause and the pressure anti-abortion campaigners can put on someone planning one, so of course examples are harder to find.
One of the examples in the daily mail link was of a woman who was a pro-choice activist. I'd be surprised if she didn't use her decision to have an abortion in her chosen career. Telling her story while campaigning (one could argue her taking part in the article would have come under her job description and is an example of her using her decision to abort one that she is using in her career). Josie Cunningham has chosen a career in celebrity, and that involves building a public brand by selling yourself to newspapers and TV etc. So that is going to make her more likely to talk to the press about her decision, too. (One could go off topic and highlight that from a brand building perspective you want to bring something that isn't out there a lot at the moment, that affects a lot of people - this meets those criteria, and so right off the bat she is talking to a demographic that is rarely addressed in mainstream media - very savvy)
But, it comes back to my initial point, because the career she wants to focus on is celebrity, people are looking down their noses. Perhaps there's also an element of judgement because she is/was an escort, or because she is openly seeking fame and has dated footballer. But there is no doubt in my mind she is facing more vitriol because her career choice is reality TV instead of Real Estate.
Ok, since you put it like that, it's a good career move either way for Josie. Lets hope she drums up the business and fame she requires.
Would any TV company touch her now after this story?
You're talking about a show that is now on Channel 5. Of course they would, they'd be over it like a tramp on chips.
Questions is going to be mightily cheesed off when he finds that someone has hacked his account and started talking sense.
We can aim as much vitriol as we like. But ultimately she is a product of a society of which we all play an equal part.
Now that's just nonsense.
Well it isn't though, hence why the red tops have picked it up, ran with it and sensationalized it like they have. It has got the reaction I'm sure she hoped for. Someone in her position who is trying to be famous for no reason it is exactly what she wants....column inches.
This story is self fulfilling tabliod media dirge. Who knows what her true intentions are, it's just the gutter press printing car crash pornography to pull everyone's strings and sell papers.
If she doesn't want a baby, why have unprotected sex to start with?