Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
When I was working, I was a trade union member for the majority of my working life.
As was pointed out somewhere the other day, Unions have to have a vote which gives a majority decision of all its members in order to take industrial action yet the Tory government claims to have the right to govern the country with a vote percentage of 36.9 % on a turnout of 66% !.... this is just 25% of the electorate.
Nope, I haven't - never worked in a business that has been unionised.
You don't have to be. We all benefit indirectly from unions. Take the transport union, they ensure their drivers' mental and physical health is looked and all H&S in the work environment is in place and adhered to. As a passenger I ride with confidence and comfort because of this. Same with planes.
You don't have to be. We all benefit indirectly from unions. Take the transport union, they ensure their drivers' mental and physical health is looked and all H&S in the work environment is in place and adhered to. As a passenger I ride with confidence and comfort because of this. Same with planes.
Both of which can be driven / flown entirely by computers.
Both of which can be driven / flown entirely by computers.
And there it is. That is what it is all about. We need to stand together, fight for all our rights, but the unions have been tarred as the enemy within because their actions may make life 'inconvenient' for a day.
Wake up.
Trade Unions can't win, though, can they?
If they don't achieve anything for their members, they are seen as weak, useless and ineffective - and so not worth joining.
If they do successfully achieve things, they are slagged off for being militant, too powerful or holding the country (or employers) to ransom.
I wonder how many people who moan about unions being weak or useless also cheer every time (Tory) governments launch another crackdown on union 'power'?
Our political masters love 'hard-working people' as long as they don't have the cheek either to ask for a share of the profits their work helps to generate (only bosses seem to be awarded bonuses), or merely to be treated with a bit of respect and dignity at work!
Have you been drinking tonight?
As is proved on so many occasions.
Do you remember the 70s?
Both of which can be driven / flown entirely by computers.
My point being that if trade unions continue to hold the traveling public to ransom then technology is the likely winner in that the businesses can get rid of drivers / pilots.
Perhaps it is the fat cats in charge of businesses who should pay your bills? It is not blackmail, it is refusing to be treated in a way that is disrespectful and suggests that the ordinary person should just doff their cap and do as they are told.
You'd get on a plane that didn't have a pilot?
in what way is a pay rise of inflation + £500 bonus disrespectful?
You'd get on a plane that didn't have a pilot?
Of course. The Euro Fighter can't phsyically stay in the air without computers - so the idea that commercial airlines can't use the technology already available ( as in a plane can already be taken off, flown and landed purely by computer ) is utterly wrong. I'd trust a computer that has no emotion over a human any day.