interestingly on Neswnight now the old right wing splitter (SDP) David Owen said on some issues
(nhs) he is to the left of the Labour Party now.Similar to Roy Hattersley the old right candidate against
Tony Benn in the deputy leadership contest in 80's whose later commentary we regularly to the left
of new labour.Corbyn stands against cuts to tax credits the system set up under Blair.
MY point is the centre is now so far to the right there is no point labour fighting for this centre.
Across Europe many old centre left parties have disappeared up the neoliberal economic paradigm
and become irrelevant .Keynes once the go to economist of centre right as well as centre left in the
successful period of the post war settlement would now be a deficit denying extremist.
The fact that pursuing government sector surpluses will force private sector deficits on net
importing countries like the UK creating fiscal drag -money leaving the private sector and
inevitable recession will make anti austerity politics increasingly popular.
(nhs) he is to the left of the Labour Party now.Similar to Roy Hattersley the old right candidate against
Tony Benn in the deputy leadership contest in 80's whose later commentary we regularly to the left
of new labour.Corbyn stands against cuts to tax credits the system set up under Blair.
MY point is the centre is now so far to the right there is no point labour fighting for this centre.
Across Europe many old centre left parties have disappeared up the neoliberal economic paradigm
and become irrelevant .Keynes once the go to economist of centre right as well as centre left in the
successful period of the post war settlement would now be a deficit denying extremist.
The fact that pursuing government sector surpluses will force private sector deficits on net
importing countries like the UK creating fiscal drag -money leaving the private sector and
inevitable recession will make anti austerity politics increasingly popular.