I'd totally missed this.
The BEEB are going to come under serious pressure to sack him, after all Big Ron was dismissed by ITV a while back for something very, very similar.
He really didn't.
Big Ron used the word to describe a black man, Clarkson used (mumbled) it to pick a car using the same method as I still do today.
The BEEB are going to come under serious pressure to sack him, after all Big Ron was dismissed by ITV a while back for something very, very similar.
I quite liked May and Hammonds tweets on the subject
Jeremy Clarkson is not a racist. He is a monumental bellend and many other things, but not a racist. I wouldn't work with one. #ThatIsAll
I 2nd May's comment re Clarkson. I can list a million things wrong with him, but he is absolutely not a racist. An idiot, yes.
He shouldn't be using the word, he knows that as much as anyone else. I don't want him sacked (well I do but not over this) but he's an absolute idiot for doing it. Pick another ryhme without an offensive word in it.....
Big Ron "That Desailly is a useless f****** n*****" is in no way very very similar to what Clarkson did.
What a lot of fuss over very little. The world has officially gone mad!
You can't do anything in this country any more.
And as I said, I still use it today, not to be edgy or anything.
You can't do anything in this country any more.