The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
Wow... the Cantona kick is still the only retort you retards have isn't it? Funny thing is though the actual guy he kicked was a Fulham fan.
Still what would you lot have known, you've been in our shadow for quarter of a century.
We've spent decades with one arm tied behind our back and (arguably) only now are we able to fully realise the potential of this great club. Many fans see us as a lower league, 6-7k crowd pulling club and it'll take more than a season at the Amex for people's opinions to shift towards us being the new Manchester United, sorry I mean Ipswich Town.
Enlighten me as to when Brighton was given City status then you tool.
Except, you're not a city though are you?
one of the best scouts in Europe?
What are you talking about? I never mentioned catchment area? You didn't even know Brighton and Hove was a City?Fool
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
They are saying similar stuff on the Watford forums " why would he go there over us " etc etc
Please tell me we dont react like this when we lose out on a player.....
Lets face it, if the wages on offer are similar and you have a choice between living in Brighton rather than Ipswich or Watford....and playing infront of 27k every week in a brand new state of art stadium its a bit of a no brainer...
Isnt it ?
Short of someone coming up with a definitive table of whom it's acceptable to lose out on a player (or manager) to, I can't see anything but more of the same ad infinitum.
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.
The fact this thread has reached six pages proves that we are still a bit of a noddy club really.