Raleigh Chopper
New member
Now totally blocking the M25 running out in front of the traffic.
I wonder if they said the same thing about Emily Davison?
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This is direct action. It’s supposed to inconvenience people. It’s supposed to piss people off. That’s how it works. Or doesn’t work. But it is the intention.
Now totally blocking the M25 running out in front of the traffic.
Hopefully in front of some juggernauts
I fully support their behaviour. Direct action is the only thing that will work now. As it is, it may be too late.
Hopefully in front of some juggernauts
Great politicians answer. You either support their actions or you don't, if you do, then you consider any negative consequences, including injury or loss of life as an acceptable price worth paying.That’s a pretty amateur attempt, but par for the course given previous posts from you that I’ve read.
I’ll let you work out the difference yourself. You should be able to.
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So why can’t the direct action be chaining yourself to the gates at Downing Street? More TV cameras and press there, closer to the nation’s decision makers and less chance of f***ing up the Great British public’s attempt at earning their daily crust.
Of course, the real threat with their current means of protest is that some pissed off 32 tonne HGV driver might decide to accidentally not apply his brakes and run the buggers over.
There’s a shortage of these, you’ll have to hope for something more realistic.
I really can't understand why anyone thinks these people are doing the right thing here. They're risking their lives for nothing, not to mention their utter disregard for the drivers and passengers of the cars they're running in front of. It's so incredibly selfish. They're kicking off about insulating homes for crying out loud - on a junction of the M25. Absolutely ridiculous waste of their time, waste of police time and delaying people going about their day.
I saw a video circulating last week where the police were treating them with kid gloves, presumably because of their social class. I think they should be forcibly removed from the roads and chucked in a cell for a few days, doing stuff like this will not get the general public onside, despite the underlying message being a good one.
Now totally blocking the M25 running out in front of the traffic.
Agree with you 100% until it comes to your last eight words. I have no idea what they are protesting about so they cannot have been too successful in getting their message across. If they want the government to pay to insulate their homes (for government read taxpayer) then I recall getting my loft insulation and cavity wall insulation done for free or for very little a few years back, so the government has already helped. There are lots and lots of things that need fixing in this country, but only idiots would consider it practical to block roads to highlight every issue.
If they are annoying people then their plan is working. No one gives a monkey's banana if there is a march of 100,000 people through London of a weekend or some entertaining billboard adverts put up so if you want attention you have to boil lots of people's urine.
Of course, if I was stuck on the M25 due to their antics then I would be less sanguine about it all though!