Return of the Rev
Well-known member

what the football league needs is a salary cap similar to the nfl. Too many overpaid players killing the game.
If we lost £8m last year I cannot see how we are projected to lose £8m this year. We have increased income this year by having larger crowds due to increased capacity. Also new shirt sponsors which must have increased income. New caterers which boosted income. Perimeter advertising which increases income. Paul Barbers reduction in costs (£2m a year according to TB ). I believe the cost of the perimeter adverting was in last years accounts ( a one off ). If that is the case we must be losing less than £8m unless we have increased costs in other areas substantially
Last season we started with the East Upper open and South corners. The capacity was about 26k from the off. The average attendance was just over 26k, which is approx a 25% increase so we can expect the ticketing income to have increased to around 10 million.
When are the 12/13 accounts due out; is it next month?
The new shirt sponsors start next season. New caterers started this season. The reductions in cost took place over the summer.
The 8m expected loss is for last season. It just gets announced this season.
I wouldn't worry about answering the cat bloke. He is an armchair fan that puts no money into the Albion and constantly moans about the club. Waste of air!
Unless we were over staffed in the beginning and have now found the right balance.That and larger capacity = more staff needed = higher staffing costs.
I think there would be a lot of players in Leagues 1 & 2 who would love to earn £8K & £5K respectively.
I think agents are a lot to blame. They take a lot out of football without putting anything back in.
But NOTHING would convince you, would it, because you want to believe that there is some conspiracy afoot, or that everyone running the club is a crook, don't you? Hence your oft-repeated mantra that you don't trust any one of "them".
I'll happily send you the accounts for the last 5 seasons, but you have no interest in knowing the facts, do you? Ignorance really is bliss in your case.
and any time I would take anything you say seriously will be the day I give up100 per cent correct and needed saying.
CMS, Ulloa, Bridcutt, Buckley, Upson, Koosh and Greer. Can't think many others are on in excess of 500k
The industry is propped up by Sky and wealthy benefactors. Two thirds of all revenue generated goes on players wages and agents fees. Enough money has entered the game from Sky to have guaranteed financial stability throughout the whole football pyramid. It hasn't because the monster called the Premier League eats most of it and then spits out a few scraps to the lower leagues.
A salary cap along the lines of...
PL............£40K per week
Champ......£20k per week
Div 1........£8k per week
Div 2........£5k per week
...would be offset with bonus structures that would boost earnings. Where else in industry do ' results based ' employees get vast basic salaries that negate the need for any further incentivisation?
Going back to the dark ages of football ( for the younger readers...before the Premier League ) players relied on bonuses to make up their money. They were hungry and determined and a win bonus made a difference to their wage packet.
Now it doesn't matter if you win 7-0 ( Man City ) or lose 7-0 ( Norwich ) still earn your £40k / £80k / £160k per week. Players are cheating more and more and therefore the fans are getting cheated more and more. Players underperform for games on end but still draw their big fat wages. The manager always carries the can but his salary doesn't reflect the total responsibility that his job entails. Players don't train anymore than before for these vast salaries and now we learn that many of them aren't interested in pulling on their national shirt.
Its a runaway train that nobody is prepared to put the brakes on. Why? Because so many others employed and associated with the game have their noses in the trough. When the Chairman of the PFA is earning a lot more than many of his members and is the highest paid union official in the country, is it any wonder there is no desire to change. When some agents can earn more in one lucrative move for their client than most of us will earn in half a working lifetime, is it any wonder that salaries continue to rocket upwards.
The NFL care about their game, about its structure and about trying to level out the playing-field a bit. Football in this country is very selfish. It is an elitist club with just a very few big-hitters and a lot of upstarts, desperately trying to cling on to their shirt-tails. There is no interest in the pyramid. Many fans of the big 4-5 clubs couldn't even tell you what is happening in the other leagues. It doesn't concern them. They are not interested. They will never be in that position themselves. Their future has been guaranteed. Unlike a great many other clubs.
I was asked recently ( and not for the first time ) " What division are Brighton in "...." The Championship "....." What level is that?" that point I lost the will to live and realised how insular our game has become.
Back to salaries.....oh f--k it, I've run out of steam....rant over.
Why should anyone be subject to a salary cap? It doesn't operate in most other industries, and is also relatively easy to circumnavigate. It's not as if the players will waste the money
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I don't see how football can compare with The NFL.
From the moment kids leave High School and move on to college/university, they are entering a system geared towards polarity.
Sure some teams still manage to come out on top, but that's usually geared towards an exception talent, (usually coach or QB).
There's plenty of constraints around free trade.
The salary cap is still an enormous amount of money, it's not like teams spend all their money on 2 or 3 good players, with nothing left in the pot.
Critically that enormous amount of money is only shared by 32 teams.
I wouldn't worry about answering the cat bloke. He is an armchair fan that puts no money into the Albion and constantly moans about the club. Waste of air!
when you get to my age you find it difficult to trust anyone
and I will say it again I don't trust anyone (other than my family)
when you get to my age you find it difficult to trust anyone
and I will say it again I don't trust anyone (other than my family)
the goings on at the club are you must admit rather Machiavellian at the least
Total.........£67,000 approx.
( £3.5m )