Well-known member
- Mar 10, 2013
- 13,755
Good postThe issue relates to the Thatcher Government and the reasons I have set out below
Between the 1960 and the early 1980s there was three types of housing available to the masses purchasing, rental on the private market or renting from the state all three were available as one person working would expect to earn enough to fund this and bring up a family Today Millions of full time working people can no longer support a family pay rent or mortgage and feed and cloth a family on one persons wages and making the social welfare system under greater pressure than ever
The reasons for this relates to lending rates Since the 1980s wages rose much slower partly due to the fall in influence of trade unions, partly because of a series of very deep recessions, partly because of the Thatcher Governments dramatic move to reduce public spending on state ownership away from a manufacturing base to one built upon finances externally and home ownership internally, selling of the state owner housing stock at knock down rates with no reinvestment into new homes, people looking for somewhere to live only had two options buy or private rental, the U.K. Economic model was now largely driven by financial sector this led to a stable economy for the next 20 years and governments of all political persuasions continued to develop the economy along these lines creating stable low interest rates which in turn suppressed the argument for high wage rises and promoted easy credit..
This fundamentally changed society with only two options for housing individuals savings gave little return unless they were invested into high risk shares, so property became a far more valuable commodity and values started to rise soon the working one person was now not earning enough alone to raise enough credit to purchase so the norm became two working people this started to effect society in other ways family structures changed became more pressured this continued higher house prices depressed wages less skilled jobs more people working full time doing several jobs and yet still unable to raise enough credit and lenders constantly increasing the lend to lone rate until the only way onto the housing market for most was to have very a substantial deposit.
The bank of mum and dad became the new normal but only for those who could afford it for millions of others that was not an option for the first since the start of the welfare state the uk had a large proportion who were two adults working full time across a number of jobs and we finding that they were not able to earn enough to support a family pay the rent or to get onto the housing market.
Then the financial crash of 2010 gave the right of British politics an opportunity to squeeze big government and the services it provided which the right was ideologically not in favour of supporting it did this under the guise of paying off the national debt within an unreasonable timeline this was compounded by Brexit and Covid19 the Government in a desperate act to kick an economy into life announces that it would introduce a freeze on stamp duty to reduce house buying creating a house purchasing boom but it has inadvertently increased house prices by 6% making hosing even more unattainable
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