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How thick are students...


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
I did mate.

The bottom line is the Government make many people angry, upset, etc but we don't all spend the day f**king about in London. We've all been there we know what its like and we'd all swap three more years of student life for three years of working for a living.

I have employed many people, with degrees, packing things, making things and carrying out other work that it takes fifteen minutes to train them on ... why? Mainly because they can't be arsed to do anything else and have no interest in the subject for which the degree was obtained.

Possibly becuase there are so many degrees at various levels of skill and need within society, because so many want to go to Uni for the laugh and because Uni's make money out of students ... the whole thing needs a shake up and some people should just get a job instead of delaying for three years tossing about whilst building up a massive debt ..

Let the binfest commence


I have a daughter in Goldsmiths Uni London. She didn't go on any protest. Perhaps due to my beliefs and mirroring them she felt it wrong to protest.

We are now a low income family and my daughter receives financial help in going to uni but my wife and I expect her to get part time work to help with costs. If anyone actually bothered to read the policy, it states and is true that low income families will be better off.

Now onto my gripe. Basic education is free to the masses, we live in a civilised society. Further education is available to those capable, regardless of family income. In the last decade we have seen polys turn into unis. We have seen degrees grow beyond comprehension. More and more students but with no real growth in the graduate job market.

Regardless of political beliefs, the fact is we're broke. Who broke it is now irrelevant. The future is full of cuts and compromise. It will affect people's lives and some will pay a higher price for it but exactly what else can be done?

Students in their naive way (still coming to terms with life and its "so unfairness") will always believe their the scapegoats. But this country truly needs a wake up call. We need to start producing something. A real something that we can sell and that needs qualified people to make. Shock its called the Production Industry. Forget studying Drama or History actually qualify to do a job and be paid for learning. Apprenticeships, no less!

Unis should have a place in our society but should not be so easily attended, this undermines their value, but and a massive but, they should have a worth. A worth to this country ie tomorrows Doctors, Nurses, Scientists and not some stupid professor of spiders. The country needs to see value for its money. I fear at the moment it is not. My daughter is in her second year and attends just 8 YES EIGHT hours of lectures a week. Given that they only appear to attend for 25 weeks a year, that works out on her fees alone at approx. £200 per hour add to this her maintenance loan and grant this goes up to over £600 per hour. Is that value for money?

Lincoln Imp

Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
I quite like the idea of students paying something approaching an economic price. It might lead to them refusing to accept brain-dead degree courses in stationery and paper clips provided by hairy-toed lecturers and which culminate in gerrymandered 2:1s in useless subjects and a decade of unemployment before the light slowly dawns that all they are qualified to do it go into politics or possibly university lecturing.


Moving further North...
Feb 19, 2006
The bottom line is that the country is heavily in debt and everybody will have to tighten their proverbial belts but these 'students' don't seem to understand this poor little darlings.

I don't think anyone is saying that education should be free. Even the National Union of Students stopped arguing for free education years ago.

Everyone agrees that students should pay to go to Uni, the argument is how they pay. Up front variable fees will just result in rich kids getting all the spaces at the best Universities.

For this country to be successful, we need the most intelligent young people getting places at the best Universities we have to offer, and going on to be scientists, medical professionals, engineers, etc. A good education shouldn't be restricted to the offspring of the richest 1901 club members (sorry, am I getting my threads confused?).


May 28, 2009
OKAY. I've just got back. I was outside the Millbank. Not even then was everyone violent there. My friend got knocked out and was held inside the Millbank foyer with the police so we pushed our way in to get to her (There was a grand total of 3 students from my 200 strong college :down:).

A large amount of those who were outside being violent were sixthform students with help from uni students. Its not fair that Uni fee's will rise for those who don't have a choice who they'd vote for. We're angry and we're not taking an older generations mistakes on our sholders. Those making Uni more expencive didn't pay to go. Its an absolute f***ing joke. I'm proud to say i pushed my way inside the tory HQ, intimidated tory party workers, and was there. For one thing you can't call us apatheitc.

We care and we are frustrated and we're showing if you push us, sooner or later we'll push back, and boy did we push back.

Yes, the violence will undermine some of the actions and statements we made today. The Millbank siege started out peacefully. we stood outside chanting anit-tory messages. The police were SO OVERLY heavy handed at times. I'm standing with my friend who got knocked out, its me, a very small 16 year old girl and our friend, trying to get out and some riot police officer decides to grab me by the neck and drag us away and punched my friend (not the knocked out one) in the arm. We even said "we're leaving, we're leaving" and he still pushed and punched. Twat. :waitstobetolditwasneededsmilie:

like i say i'm proud for doing something for once instead of moaning and griping without moving.

Knee on good for you. Dont listen to the ignorant bile being spewed here by bitter tories who have no answers but to blame the Labour Party, Gordon Brown, students or the unions.

At least you are getting out there and standing up for what you believe in, getting yourself heard and actively taking part in politics, instead of sitting here spouting from behind a pc.:thumbsup:


May 28, 2009
You are proud you intimidated people, yet you moan about the police intimidating you? f***ing idiot. Go and get a job for f***'s sake and learn how to take part in society instead of being a worthy student protester. The "siege" started peacefully did it? Anti-tory messages - I am surprised you can string a sentence together let alone chant a message - especially at those you are so proud to have intimidated. I hope your mate gets f***ing brain damage - that's what happens when you want to intimidate others and whine like a bitch when it comes back to bite you.

And sort your f***ing spelling out, you unemployable twat.

need I say anymore :tosser:


New member
Jan 5, 2005
Lincoln Imp,

Point of order please: to become a University Lecturer - one usually needs an MSc
and PhD - so another 4 years at least *post* first degree and then some more...usuallly
post-doctoral experience of another 2 to 3 years.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Knee on good for you. Dont listen to the ignorant bile being spewed here by bitter tories who have no answers but to blame the Labour Party, Gordon Brown, students or the unions.

At least you are getting out there and standing up for what you believe in, getting yourself heard and actively taking part in politics, instead of sitting here spouting from behind a pc.:thumbsup:

Yep - well done for intimidating people and then whining about police oppression. The current education system is to blame, giving people the belief that they are all entitled to a degree in "something" - when that degree is devalued by the fact that every other bastard has the same one. Let those who excel attend the Uni, get funded by business - those who can't and aren't - get a job.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
You are proud you intimidated people, yet you moan about the police intimidating you? f***ing idiot. Go and get a job for f***'s sake and learn how to take part in society instead of being a worthy student protester. The "siege" started peacefully did it? Anti-tory messages - I am surprised you can string a sentence together let alone chant a message - especially at those you are so proud to have intimidated. I hope your mate gets f***ing brain damage - that's what happens when you want to intimidate others and whine like a bitch when it comes back to bite you.

And sort your f***ing spelling out, you unemployable twat.

Funnily enough i've spent most of the day standing, i'm tired. When i'm not typing on a netbook keyboard, i'm quite good at "stringing together a message". Thirdly its alright for you to say don't be a protester but then again your not looking down the barrell of 9k a year tution fees. As for the police officer, we sat down outside the Millbank, we were chanting. Surges came and dragged us forward, we lost her. She is tiny and got dragged in to the very front of the violent protesters. We then had to go and get her without knowing any of this happens, when we're sitting with a girl who has been dragged away by violent, drunk and high men and some police officer looks at us and punches and pulls at us rather than the violent drunken bloke with a bottle in his hand yes. I'm pissed off.

Intimidated wasn't the right word, mostly because that was the first time i'd really spoken about it and didn't read back the post. Its purely emotionally charged. I'm proud that I was there, protesting at the offices. I'm proud that we got ourselves heard. The violence wasn't needed (now i've calmed down and the buzz has faded) BUT you can only push us so far before we push back.

As for unemployable - thats bullshit as said earlier, i've got a job.

Yes the "siege" started peacfully. We sat down at one point. We chanted. We weren't smashing things up (as a point I didn't smash anything up).


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
need I say anymore :tosser:

Thanks Tottenham boy. Wake me up when I need to give a toss what you think. Perhaps I should come and "intimidate you" so you too can enjoy the experience?

Oh yes, I am a lecturer at a College and my students believe that the display today by the idiots in London has destroyed any argument they may have had.

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
HAven't read the whole thread but these students have to realise that their loan will cost them less than sly tv per month to pay back.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
OKAY. I've just got back. I was outside the Millbank. Not even then was everyone violent there. My friend got knocked out and was held inside the Millbank foyer with the police so we pushed our way in to get to her (There was a grand total of 3 students from my 200 strong college :down:).

A large amount of those who were outside being violent were sixthform students with help from uni students. Its not fair that Uni fee's will rise for those who don't have a choice who they'd vote for. We're angry and we're not taking an older generations mistakes on our sholders. Those making Uni more expencive didn't pay to go. Its an absolute f***ing joke. I'm proud to say i pushed my way inside the tory HQ, intimidated tory party workers, and was there. For one thing you can't call us apatheitc.

We care and we are frustrated and we're showing if you push us, sooner or later we'll push back, and boy did we push back.

Yes, the violence will undermine some of the actions and statements we made today. The Millbank siege started out peacefully. we stood outside chanting anit-tory messages. The police were SO OVERLY heavy handed at times. I'm standing with my friend who got knocked out, its me, a very small 16 year old girl and our friend, trying to get out and some riot police officer decides to grab me by the neck and drag us away and punched my friend (not the knocked out one) in the arm. We even said "we're leaving, we're leaving" and he still pushed and punched. Twat. :waitstobetolditwasneededsmilie:

like i say i'm proud for doing something for once instead of moaning and griping without moving.

So you agree with intimidation and violence / force as a valid form of protest ??? Yet when the police use it back on you and your friends you complain - idiot. And pleading in some pathetic way that you're leaving a building that you FORCED your way into and intimidated people going about their lawful business and you're surprised a police officer who has probably been threatened and hit just for doing their job hits one off you - just shows how naive or stupid you really are.

If you want to use those kind of tactics to demonstrate then don't come squealing like a coward about heavy handed police - maybe if they'd cracked you skull with a baton you's have come to your senses.

As a Brighton supporter you should realise that we got Falmer using wit, intelligence and good humour when demonstrating. Something that you and your fellow students seem too dim to realise.

Now go away to mummy and get some magic yellow on your cuts and a big hug. Next time try demonstrating peacefully. TWAT. :tosser:


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
Students are dicks, pissheads, time wasters blah blah blah.

Standard NSC binfest. It's all very boring.

I didn't go on the march today, funnily enough I had a lecture, but fully support all those who did.

Uncle C

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2004
Bishops Stortford
Oh God. Someone I know went on the roof. Seems pleased with herself though.

She may not be so pleased later. The police often do not make arrests on the day as this inflames passions.

The police will review photographic and video evidence. Your friend may well end up with a court appearance for trespass and criminal damage.

If she was anyway involved in the throwing of fire extinguishers from the roof then crimes like 'attempted murder' come to mind.

Hope she sleeps well tonight.


Apr 23, 2007
I quite like the idea of students paying something approaching an economic price. It might lead to them refusing to accept brain-dead degree courses in stationery and paper clips provided by hairy-toed lecturers and which culminate in gerrymandered 2:1s in useless subjects and a decade of unemployment before the light slowly dawns that all they are qualified to do it go into politics or possibly university lecturing.

So those that DO do worthwhile courses, which are a benefit to society, should pay far inflated prices for those who do the courses which are a waste of time?
I want to be in the police force or possibly the secret service (obviously this would be difficult to achieve), and thus have just this week sent in an application for Law and Criminology. Based on your arguement, it would seem that you want increased fee's to pay for those taking courses that are not worthwhile, why should students doing good courses pay for those people more than anyone else in society?

sir albion

New member
Jan 6, 2007
She may not be so pleased later. The police often do not make arrests on the day as this inflames passions.

The police will review photographic and video evidence. Your friend may well end up with a court appearance for trespass and criminal damage.

If she was anyway involved in the throwing of fire extinguishers from the roof then crimes like 'attempted murder' come to mind.

Hope she sleeps well tonight.
The only thing she will get tonight is a good shag:lolol:


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
Yep - well done for intimidating people and then whining about police oppression. The current education system is to blame, giving people the belief that they are all entitled to a degree in "something" - when that degree is devalued by the fact that every other bastard has the same one. Let those who excel attend the Uni, get funded by business - those who can't and aren't - get a job.

Said without thinking i'll admit, i'm still buzzing from the day.

If there was a way in which you could obtain the relevent qualifiactions for jobs such as teaching, law or technology (or even the vocational courses such as the Maritime courses at Solent) that were valued with degrees then a lot of the Uni's would see less intake, while we would still have an educated workforce. As it happens, we have a culture where its uni or work. Not a choice of Uni, another institution where qualifications can be gained that don't result in a degree but a qualification relevent only to the industry you get said qualification in, or work. If we had a second type of education post 18 then degrees would be worth more while keeping the workforce educated (the typo's and spelling mistakes I make in this and all my posts will undermine my message however in my desired area of work i've never really been caught out with spelling for some reason).

As for funding it... Tuition fees right now of 3.5k a year (roughly) is about right but there should be a post graduate tax of about 28-35% on top of this.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
So those that DO do worthwhile courses, which are a benefit to society, should pay far inflated prices for those who do the courses which are a waste of time?
I want to be in the police force or possibly the secret service (obviously this would be difficult to achieve), and thus have just this week sent in an application for Law and Criminology. Based on your arguement, it would seem that you want increased fee's to pay for those taking courses that are not worthwhile, why should students doing good courses pay for those people more than anyone else in society?

They are cutting the police force and cutting MI5/6 so there's no need for you to go on the course. Go and make something instead!:bhasign:

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