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Rumours Boris is in big trouble in his own constituency.

Either outcome will not be good for this country tonight, imho. In hindsight, we were far more centrist and moderate from 1997 to 2016. I preferred that in every way. Then political zealots with a blinkered take on everything, somehow managed over a period, to take control of both main parties. Not a uniquely UK thing, citing the rise of Trump.
Rumours Boris is in big trouble in his own constituency.
Rumours rumours Rumours.
That would be ****ing funny though.
They have already got a MP from a safe seat will be moved to the Lords and Boris would take over the safe seat with a by election next month...
I didnt think that the PM had to be an MP I am sure I vaguely remember a Tory PM who wasnt.
More than capital flight ? Unfortunately not. It’s fine to squeeze the rich in theory but let’s not pretend capital won’t leave the country. This just needs to be weighed against the current inequality. I would prefer that Labour were honest that there will be a smaller pie to share around. They would get my vote but I suspect not many others so instead there is the pretense that the super rich will somehow pay up.
Rumours Boris is in big trouble in his own constituency.
You can be a lord. They’d simply give the **** a peerage?
Riots would ensue though.
This is all ifs of course. But IF he lost his seat, And IF they did this. I'd love to see all the other parties pull out and unite behind a single independant "anyone but Boris" candidate. A bit like Martin Bell in Tatton. That would probably be funnier than the racist bellend losing Uxbridge in the first place.
Laura K’s comment certainly suggested someone knew something.
I didnt think that the PM had to be an MP I am sure I vaguely remember a Tory PM who wasnt.
Plenty has left already and will continue to do so whatever government is in power. It either goes steadily outwards or there will be a panic to try to move it if labour get in. I work for a company that trades on the high street across the whole of the UK plus some EU countries and Australia and the two founders, based in the tax haven of Guernsey, are sitting on a cool £1.5 bn ….. they are not going to abandon the UK if labour get in, as they have created a money making machine... it will just work a little slower with labour in office.
Bet365 will still give you 5/2 on Boris being ousted by Labour in Uxbridge.
2/7 on Boris winning.
A fortune to be made by the lucky person with that inside knowledge.
There are plenty of tory seats where the tory vote is well above 50%. That could happen and he would still get 70% of the vote!
Bet365 will still give you 5/2 on Boris being ousted by Labour in Uxbridge.
2/7 on Boris winning.
A fortune to be made by the lucky person with that inside knowledge.
It will never match the fortune made by the " lucky " person who bet on Harry Redknapp going back to Portsmouth after leaving Stains.