Seaweed! Seaweed!
GoldWithAm ex
GoldWithAim x
GoldWithAm ex
GoldWithAim x

Dont worry yourself with how to pronounce amex, just keep practising the world 'Falmer' and you wont go far wrong.
Dont worry yourself with how to pronounce amex, just keep practising the world 'Falmer' and you wont go far wrong.
Home pronounced ... Home.
Nobody at the club calls it Falmer. They won't call it Falmer on the TV, or in any stadium announcements or website news etc... it is and will be called The AMEX or The American Express Community Stadium (AmECS).
Sorry I could be misunderstanding something here and DO forgive my ignorance (I really haven't been keeping up to be honest) but is this not because American Express have paid for the naming rights or whatever so Albion are under contract to call it that instead of just the Community Stadium or Falmer?
My point in the earlier post, and it is not really an issue, is that by me calling it the Amex I am unconsciously advertising a brand I don't and would not want to use. I don't ask someone to pass me a Kleenex I ask for a tissue. I pay by credit card and not Visa or whatever, although Coke would be an exception.
To put this in context I don't think you would find Reuters or AFP calling the Premier League the Barclaycard Premiership or the League Cup the Carling Cup or whatever as those news wires have no financial interest, like Sky have with Barclays.
Like I said, I would have got it all wrong so I'll shut up there.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! you're a moron hahah
I don't think you have anything wrong... but 99% of people will call it The Amex.
If you like feeling special by refusing to do so, then good luck to you.
99% ? where did you find these stats?
Blimey, I didn't realise he was still alive. Must remember to put him on my celebrity death list.Tell that to Alec Douglas-Home.
Fal Myrrh ?fal muh
I've worked for Amex on and off for 20 years. Only Americans call it AYmex and they are all idiots. Wouldnt know Europe if it came and poked them in the eye.