Mayfair Seagull
I don't agree.
It isn't really OUR football club when you look at the nitty gritty of the way the professional game is organised. BHAFC is a Ltd Company, and like any Ltd Company it has a Chairman, a Board of Directors, and a number of Shareholders.
This has been the case since the club was founded in 1901.
Now, what you seem to want is something slightly different - I'm not quite sure what that is, but I would like to know how you think you'd expect a Professional Ltd Company to engage with it's er, ( I'll have to use the dreaded word that I loathe most ) ' stakeholders ', in the modern world.
I get the impression from your posts that you want to be consulted at every level, be involved in every decision making process, and have a major say in the way the club is being run. Or at the very least, that you want the whole decision making process to run on a kind of ' let's hold a referendum ' or ' focus group ' set-up. I cannot think of any Professional organisation that works under such a system ( that's not to say they don't exist ), but for the most part, such engagement makes the organisation impossibly slow, bureaucratic, and unable to function satisfactorily.
If you want to exert real influence, then I suggest you talk to a member of the board of Directors, Paul Barber is probably the best first point of contact. I'm sure that if you really feel you want to make a difference to the way ihe club is run, that he'll listen to your suggestions and put it forward as an item on the next Board meeting agenda, but realistically, that's about as far as I'd expect my representation to go.
Inevitably, even as a stakeholder in the club, I don't expect to be responsible for making club policy, or executive decisions, because as I said, it isn't really a club, it's a Company, Ltd by Guarentee and Articles of association.
Your impression is completely wrong. Obviously we couldn't be consulted at every level, don't be ridiculous. What I'm concerned about is the direction the club is taking, the decisions and announcements that have been made recently and the pandering to corporates and families. It's all building into a concerted effort to oust every piece of passion and atmosphere that once accompanied an Albion game and with it, any feeling of belonging and connection too.