My Dad, long-term NSC poster @Cadiz Seagull is currently on the Stroke ward at the Sussex County with a suspected stroke. The new building and the care he has received in it has been absolutely fantastic, I can’t fault it.
But A&E, my God. I cannot describe how awful it was. I counted 24 people on trolleys in the corridor on Monday, and those were the only ones I could see from my viewpoint, there were a lot more. He was in a cubicle with two other people on beds at one point. So three people to a cubicle, and probably 50+ people piled up on trolleys in the corridors, and a full waiting room. It was literally like a war zone, and when I say ‘literally’ I do genuinely mean ‘literally’. I just couldn’t get my head around how this is happening in Britain in 2023. There is absolutely no excuse for it whatsoever. I was looking at people passed out on the trolleys thinking if they die nobody will know for hours. It’s absolutely appalling that a country like ours has let its emergency healthcare get in that state. I’m still genuinely shocked by it.
I’ve been on one of those Royal Sussex A&E trollies in a packed corridor (blood infection from an op in London) and have been there with family.
Hot rooms, overflowing with folk, no dignity, incredibly long waits, a carousel of the new but more ill arrivals taking the curtained booths, Third World.
The good news is that a £48m was secured in March for a complete overhaul/reconfiguration. Staff said to us that the room for A&E patients will dramatically increase.