Bold Seagull
strong and stable with me, or...
Not true. The authorities, parents, community leaders and just about everyone else have said this repeatedly over the years every time any black kid is stabbed. Sadly it will only get worse. That train left the station a long time ago. Kids, gangs, drugs, organised crime, fractured families not to mention hormones are a powerful cocktail which the state has no chance of arresting. I just thank my lucky stars I live in a relatively safe place and my path doesn't cross such people.
Violent crime continues to fall however. We have to tackle violent crime, and a child being killed by another child speaks far more about society than statistics, politics etc. We're seeing across this thread people's 'perceptions' of danger, rhetoric like 'the train has left the station', largely fueled by media coverage and representation. The state can however arrest these trends, can alter behaviours if there is the commitment to address the root causes.
There has been a downward trend in violent crime, but perhaps we are just starting to see a change in that trend at the end of austerity, where the say 6 year old kids when austerity started, are now leaving school. Those services, community engagements, properly funded outreach programmes have all largely been cut back or disappeared. Same happened at toward the start of the 90s where we had a spike in violent crime statistics.