I really find joy in the miserable sods in this country when it comes to weather. Must be hard work - we live in the UK ffs.
And besides, we've had loads of sun since spring began - far far more bright sunny days than not. Loads of lovely weather, at least on the south coast anyway. It's a little below average this week and next, which you only really feel it in the shade, but there's barely been a cloud in the sky all week and lovely and warm in the sun.
Those who moan about the weather here really, really need to go and spend a few years living up north. You won't moan again when you move back down.
Anyone even considering putting heating on needs to give their head a wobble (and think about the environment, for a start).
Those who moan about the weather here really, really need to go and spend a few years living up north.
Maybe, but if you're a surfer, the east coast is the place to be this week. It'll be epic in Yorkshire.On a weeks holiday in beautiful Lincolnshire this week and it's absolutely bitterly cold this morning.
The recently departed Michael MosleyWas tempted this afternoon. Just 18c indoors, I felt cold WFH. [21c to 23c are often cited as ideal office temperatures].
The recently departed Michael Mosleywas happy with an office temperature of 14C.
I can go down to 15 or 16 but, unlike you, am happy when the temperature soars above 22C and CBA with gardening
What a shit summer.