You are welcome here.Thank You US. Never posted before as I have a real fear of rejection. I know that I am not as clever or as fluent as most on here. Have followed the Albion since I was a kid. This club as been a mirror of my life. Adopted at birth. Mum could not have children at the time. But a bit later she got pregnant with my sister. A bond between mother and duaghter is strong. Unlucky with her husbands so never had a Father figure so had to sort it out myself. Played Football etc but I used to be the only child that needed a lift back because no one ever came to watch. Growing up I always knew I was never good enough. Tried to hard to be liked and wanted. My first wife was a mistake. But i was desperate to try and find someone to love me. But she was a child in a womans body. Being honest I have no friends as I maybe try to hard to be liked. I have finally found someone but it took a long time before I trusted her enough that it was me she wanted to be with. Our son came along and it took me a long time to understand he would not reject me as a person. Sorry if I am waffling and maybe misunderstanding what this thread is about. I did find someone to help me trace my natural parents though that was a car crash. But she did say to me that most adopted children go through life feeling rejected and alone. The child in the womb has comfort from the voice they hear and when they are born to have that comfort ripped away from them gives them a real sense of rejection and uselessness. This has meant a lot to me and respect to those of you brave enough to post on here without the fear of rejection. You are better people than me. Again sorry for barging in. But sometimes you read something and it strikes a chord. I am waffling and I apolgise. Take care to you all and UTA. And post for better or worse.
I suspect that many of us post on NSC because it provides an interaction that may be difficult in 'real life'. I was 62 when I discovered I am autistic. I have had some bad experiences posting on NSC but it seems to have worked . . . itself out. Anyone causing me grief is put on ignore.
I think NSC is the best of social media. A common interest, brilliant moderators.... it allows people who struggle in a noisy pub with testosterone everywhere to... interact with other people on their own terms.
Don't apologize or hesitate. Jump in. There are loads of brilliant people who read and post on here. And we all have something in common. The Albion!