14 tickets now showing.
Removes the closed shop argument.
Not completely, Tier 3 dont go on sale until friday, I had stupidly assumed it was this morning.
14 tickets now showing.
Removes the closed shop argument.
So everybody with 242 points (tier 2) and above who wanted tickets could have gotten them, with apparently more than a few INTERLOPERS grabbing them too. This was also a high points threshold game due to limited allocation. Anybody who thought any league game will be points harvested is frankly braindead.
Seems as if there's more than a fair chance for the 2nd bracket to catch up with the 1st (c50% of t1 took the opportunity to buy) and in future lower profile games with the full 3k allocation t3/All ST will be able to get in on the act as they did with Leicester.
Oh, and I hate the word "gotten". Are you a Yank?
And you believed that?