How old is he now?
What 83 year old John Catt reported in the Argus as being 83. He's 83 I think.
“My lawyers will now be urgently requesting the commission to restart infringement proceedings against the UK government.”
Every Saturday you can find the old twat outside Churchill Square or on Western Road by M&S protesting about something.
Never mind, he'll (a) lose, (b) be dead soon...
You know 'some' people who stand behind the dug out shouting obscenities at the bench? Not because of the team's performance but because they have a crap job, no friends and their lives are empty and meaningless. It's easier to vent your anger at someone else than look at yourself.
John Catt is like that. So be comforted that his own life is/has been REALLY shit.
I think you miss the point. As you say he's got every right to go to the ECJ - but it should be at his expense not ours.People, people, calm down, calm down.
If he wants to go the ECJ then let him try (that is his right as a citizen). By the time it gets anywhere near the ECJ we will be long gone to Falmer.
Perhaps a rousing chorus of "John Catt - John Catt" tonight will cheer him up.