To be fair, and without wishing to bang on even more than usual, I did occasionally ponder whether the sight of me caterwauling into my pad at various Godforsaken times might have hastened his senility (or could accelerate his ultimate demise). I did used to have some spectacular, obscenity-laden falls across the pavement and slumber in the street and front garden for nights on end quite a lot at that time. In a way I'm relieved to know I didn't really offend him, even though he is clearly a spoon.
Brighton man vows to take noisy Seagulls fight to European courts From The Argus)
Brighton man vows to take noisy Seagulls fight to European courts
12:00pm Thursday 10th December 2009
Comments (1) Have your say »
By Tim Ridgway »
He complained of light pollution, noise and traffic congestion on match days.
Preferably just before the final whistle of the last game of next season, just after we scored in the 92nd minute to win the League One title.Never mind, he'll (a) lose, (b) be dead soon...
Anyone got his address ?
Bloke has a death wish. I mean if he actually won and got us booted out then I for one would start a one man campaign against him and his property and it wouldn't be pretty
Catt is just a rent-a-protestor who has little else to keep his mind occupied so instead turns up at every march, rally and half-arsed cause in the city, and unfailingly falls back on his age as a reason why the law and the application of it shouldn't apply to him when he gets nicked for breaking it.
He looks a bit too much like John Vinnicombe in that picture.
Surely it couldn't be Vinni under an alias still knarked about being banned from the 1983 Cup Final banquet