My grandfathers and great fathers were at the front in the first and second world wars. They knew being at the front was not risk free. They were at the fronts enduring the wind, rain and snow. Life isn’t risk free. So yes I could spread a virus by not wearing a mask but can someone catch the virus if they are wearing a mask . It comes down to accepting personal responsibility and accepting life isn’t risk free.
I get your point, really, I do.
And in some ways I agree, but the use of terms like ‘snowflake’ and ‘personal responsibility’ come across as very condescending/borderline aggressive. I too feel that we have to begin to get on with living as none of us want to be locked up any longer than necessary. That said, it is also understandable that for many people this Xmas will hopefully be a long awaited opportunity to catch up on time spent with loved ones and they do not want to risk losing that. I do not think we should all be staying away from social interaction, or that venues should be forced to operate at greatly reduced capacities as if people choose to be somewhere then they need to appreciate the risks and responsibilities that go with it.
The responsibilities would include wearing masks in all indoor situations wherever possible, not complaining if a venue enforces this, and generally thinking of others before embarking on a path of “getting back to normal’.