Staring at the rude boys
Haha, Tossed off at Lewes
I'm on a train ATM and 3 chavvy slags have just been ejected from first class.
Whoops, no. They've just gone back in.
This is getting interesting.
I'm interested. Pics?
Trying to save taxpayers money and he gets criticised for it...
Trying to save taxpayers money and he gets criticised for it...
No pics, they were a bit too scary to risk it.
Shame we were not all on the train, we could have had a whip-round
Trying to save taxpayers money and he gets criticised for it...
How is paying £160 when he could have got an advance first saver trying to save us tax payers? Saving tax payer's money is not ballsing up the west coast franchise due to cutting corners.
Trying to save taxpayers' money would be sitting in standard class to begin with .... or paying tax.
That is a joke ..right
Or being a multi millionaire he could just pay for his trip back from the day in the office like I do!!
I agree he should have sat in the correct seating area, however the fact remains that he did try to save money for the taxpayer by not buying a more expensive ticket.
Haha, Tossed off at Lewes