The Clamp
Well-known member
And to be replaced by whom/ what?
Well quite. Would be nice to see that assuming smirk wiped off her face though.
And to be replaced by whom/ what?
I really hope there's an upset and May gets put back in her place. Unfortunately I doubt it.
I really hope there's an upset and May gets put back in her place. Unfortunately I doubt it.
An upset involves a 20% plus change in voting intentions over the next 6 weeks - really?
That is so what I want as as well
Think May has done a good job all things considered. Listening to Corbyn on the radio at the start of his rally, sounded like something from the 1980's. Labour are still going backwards. As for the Lib Dems, they are going to do a lot better than they did last time, but hopefully people like Farron will shut the FK up about Brexit after this.
Without realising it you've hit the nail on the head there. The sole purpose of this election, the sole purpose, is to silence anyone who dares critisise Brexit. We are moving closer and closer to a tyrannical dictatorship and the irony of it all is we are being forced to vote for it. Only the voluntarily blind cannot see that.
The general election should at least offer a clearer more up to date version of the referendum and therefore seems necessary and wholly appropriate, you, me and others have continually said what we felt Leave meant and it kept the Brexit thread going for months and months, with claim and counter claim, well this might clear it up a bit, it will at least be current.
The result might not represent your own view on Brexit, but so what, thats democracy.
Democracy is two foxes and a chicken voting on what to have for dinner. Anyhow, it's no surprise and I can't be arsed to get involved with all this rubs while so much positive exciting stuff is happening at our club.
Down with May
Up with BHA
Without realising it you've hit the nail on the head there. The sole purpose of this election, the sole purpose, is to silence anyone who dares critisise Brexit. We are moving closer and closer to a tyrannical dictatorship and the irony of it all is we are being forced to vote for it. Only the voluntarily blind cannot see that.
The general election should at least offer a clearer more up to date version of the referendum and therefore seems necessary and wholly appropriate, you, me and others have continually said what we felt Leave meant and it kept the Brexit thread going for months and months, with claim and counter claim, well this might clear it up a bit, it will at least be current.
The result might not represent your own view on Brexit, but so what, thats democracy.
Didn't Trump manage it in less time?
Corbyn is starting to say the right things, and on just day 2. By day 50 people may have warmed to him.
I'm dreaming I know, there are far too many selfless twunts in this country for the Tories not to win.
Corbyn is starting to say the right things, and on just day 2. By day 50 people may have warmed to him.
I'm dreaming I know, there are far too many selfless twunts in this country for the Tories not to win.
kind of. Tories will get 40%-ish and claim this is some kind of second big-mandate for Brexit - which it won't be as they cannot get as much as 52% of the vote this time round. So if anything it muddies the water?
I do wonder where the big swing will be to give her this massive majority. Tories did a pretty damn good job last time of hoovering up the swing seats in the south and the midlands. There are just 13 non-Tory seats south of Birmingham and outside of London in England, and one of those is Carswell. Without being able to make any inroads in Scotland and with the Lib-dems bound to bounce back in the SW and London, can it be all that different? Or will Labour just fall off the cliff in the north and the capital (with UKIP/apathy doing for them?)
Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. My constituency of St Ives is the most western in England, Tories took it in 2015 with a 5% swing from Libdem and I suppose that majority of 2,500 has a chance of being overturned. Although the constituency had a narrow pro-Brexit vote, so perhaps we're looking further east to Truro and Falmouth which voted Remain.
Boris Johnson currently represents our interests amongst foreign ministers the world over so not that unlikely.Can you imagine Jezza representing our country on the world stage?
I imagine the question " Who the f**k is this silly old sod" would not be very far from people lips. I'm sure he would stand up to Putin, Merkel, Trump et al.