I do wonder why people vote tory, that is unless you are first very very rich and then primarily concerned with how much more rich you can be.
I realise there is more to them than this, but IMO, this is what they represent. They are a party in the pocket of the oligarchs with the prime concern of keeping the oligarchy happy, yet try to portray themselves as being for everyone.
I can appreciate how some of the tories secondary policies may be appealing to voters, yet struggle to understand why someone would still chose to vote for them. If you are hungry and someone offers you food laced with poison you wouldn't eat it.
I'm not saying any of the other parties are much, if any better, but the tories are the biggest wolf dressed in sheep's clothing going, and I'm not saying they go around acting in a conspiracy, it's just who and what they represent, that naturally leads to this. It surprises me that people, normal people, consider voting for the tories most likely to improve their life?!
Fair enough,that is your view.
Conversely, I sometimes wonder why people,these days, vote for the Labour Party, when they always tax and spend too much, believe they know best how to spend everybody's hard -earned and then have to be voted out of office to let The Tories put matters right.
The Labour Party was a very necessary political movement in the dark old days; I am all for a political balance in the country and believe in a strong Opposition,whoever is in power,but just feel that Ed's crew are too left wing for the long term good of the country.