Deleted member 18477
The sad reality is that women in business are generally not as good as men. That’s a fact. They are great at many things but if you took ten average men and ten average women the men would be better 8/10. They have more drive, are less volatile and work harder. They also cry a lot less and accept constructive criticism much better. Men here fore deserve to be paid more in business. I base that on 25 years of business.

On a serious note, as a man, I also find working with men easier however women would probably say the same about women... times have changed and we both need to work together now. I disagree with a man being paid more because he's a man and also women being paid more because they're women. Quite simply, if said person has required skill, experience and can do a job they should be paid X. A man with 25 years experience in a business being paid 100k a year vs a lady doing the same job with 2 years experience being paid 50k seems fair to me... However a woman being paid 50k with 25 years experience as well is not fair.
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