Well-known member
Wot the feck is going on with all this Double Posting?
Oh aye. Absolutely cacking my knickers.
however (and due to me not giving a shit) i haven't actually done any research, but i really don't get what the difference is between what they already have and what they want to this literally a debate over the language used?
The problem is that "civil partnership" is not marriage, it is set aside as being something special for gay people because they can't have marriage. It creates, for lack of a better term, a class system. Gay couples aren't married like straight people, just "civil partners". Allowing prejudices to persist because "their union isn't like a proper marriage".
Marriage is older than record. It isn't intrinsically linked to any religion, and each religion has their own rules and rituals. Legalising gay marriage is not interfering with religion, refusing to legalise it on religious grounds is religion interfering with law.
No. It is about the state legalising gay marriage, not forcing churches to conduct them.
What assurances have been provided for religious organisations?
BBC News - QA: Gay marriage
Mrs Miller has promised a "quadruple lock" for religious groups who oppose gay marriage, involving:
- No religious organisation or individual minister being compelled to marry same-sex couples or to permit this to happen on their premises
- Making it unlawful for religious organisations or their ministers to marry same-sex couples unless their organisation's governing body has expressly opted in to provisions for doing so
- Amending the 2010 Equality Act to ensure no discrimination claim can be brought against religious organisations or individual ministers for refusing to marry a same-sex couple
- The legislation explicitly stating that it will be illegal for the Church of England and the Church in Wales to marry same-sex couples
It looks like it's more about mopping up the last of the legal discrepancies...
Is there a legal difference between the two?
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 gave same-sex couples the rights and responsibilities similar to those in a civil marriage. Civil partners are entitled to the same property rights, the same exemptions on inheritance tax, social security and pension benefits as married couples. They also have the same ability to get parental responsibility for a partner's children as well as reasonable maintenance, tenancy rights, insurance and next-of-kin rights in hospital and with doctors. There is a process similar to divorce for dissolving a civil partnership.
So why don't they have the same status under English law?
In 2006, Sir Mark Potter, president of the high court family division, told an academic lesbian couple that they faced an "insurmountable hurdle" in trying to have a same-sex marriage recognised in English law. He said marriage was regarded as an "age-old institution" that was "by longstanding definition and acceptance" a formal relationship between a man and a woman primarily designed for producing and rearing children. The couple, Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson, who were married in Canada and spent their life savings on the court battle, said they were deeply disappointed saying they had been "stripped" of their marriage.
Any practical differences in the ceremonies?
Until now it has been banned for civil partnership ceremonies to include religious readings, music or symbols and forbidden for them to take place in religious venues, regardless of the views of the building's owners. In Scotland, which has its own legislation, some church parishes offer blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples.
Any other practical differences?
Civil partners of male peers or knights do not receive a courtesy title to which the spouse of a peer or knight would be entitled.
How many civil partnerships are there?
More than 18,000 civil partnerships were formed in 2006, the first year they were legal in Britain. Since then 6,000 to 8,000 a year have been performed.
Anyone else noticed an interesting correlation between the homophobes on this thread and those that constantly moan excessively about the Albion?
Not sure what conclusion to draw from that though.
I just can't see why if a gay couple wants to get married it should matter![]()
As a Christian i vote no not because i dislike homosexuals or Lesbians they are still Gods children and he loves them very much even though he would not approve of what they are doing but because the Father who created this earth did not create it for same sex marriages but for man and women so they could re produce and glorify his work and plan and have a perfect world with no sin , this is made very clear in the Bible , obviously if you dont believe there is a God then you wont believe what the bible says is the truth either thats understandable , imagine you wrote a life long book and you have planned how it will finish only for someone or something to come in and tear out your ending and replace it with how they want it to be and leave you out of the ending totally ! it doesnt surprise me at all that it has come to this because our world is leaving God out more and more and as we go on and in time there will be even more state powers voting on other un Godly decisions that will effect us , dont be surprised if a vote for Sharia law is on the agenda in the not to distant future .
As a Christian i vote no not because i dislike homosexuals or Lesbians they are still Gods children and he loves them very much even though he would not approve of what they are doing but because the Father who created this earth did not create it for same sex marriages but for man and women so they could re produce and glorify his work and plan and have a perfect world with no sin , this is made very clear in the Bible , obviously if you dont believe there is a God then you wont believe what the bible says is the truth either thats understandable , imagine you wrote a life long book and you have planned how it will finish only for someone or something to come in and tear out your ending and replace it with how they want it to be and leave you out of the ending totally ! it doesnt surprise me at all that it has come to this because our world is leaving God out more and more and as we go on and in time there will be even more state powers voting on other un Godly decisions that will effect us , dont be surprised if a vote for Sharia law is on the agenda in the not to distant future .
Further evidence that as a society and democracy we are becoming more and more civilised. Excellent news.
...but not gay marriage. Understood.
A fair number of Labour MPs will be voting against this too, I understand. Just when will they modernise?
We will be banning straight sex for fear of upsetting the homs next.
Wow religious fundamentalism & unfounded Islamaphobia in the same post. In a thread where some people have made some really stupid points, this really shines.
1)What's the Sharia Law point about? Sharia Law wouldn't even be popular with muslims living here, let alone the country at large so how can you compare that to something that a MORI poll tells us is supported by 70-75% of the country? Wouldn't Sharia Law support your own views on homosexuality?
2)Hasn't the accuracy of the book in question been put slightly into doubt by the existence of evolution?
Overall the religious perspective has been my bugbear today. Since when did being religious make it ok to be homophobic?
Oh well, I hope all those that voted in favour are happy when their kids/grand kids get married to someone of their own sex, and they end up without grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Having said that, I am not sure too many are in straight relationships to have kids anyway.
As a Christian i vote no not because i dislike homosexuals or Lesbians they are still Gods children and he loves them very much even though he would not approve of what they are doing but because the Father who created this earth did not create it for same sex marriages but for man and women so they could re produce and glorify his work and plan and have a perfect world with no sin , this is made very clear in the Bible , obviously if you dont believe there is a God then you wont believe what the bible says is the truth either thats understandable , imagine you wrote a life long book and you have planned how it will finish only for someone or something to come in and tear out your ending and replace it with how they want it to be and leave you out of the ending totally ! it doesnt surprise me at all that it has come to this because our world is leaving God out more and more and as we go on and in time there will be even more state powers voting on other un Godly decisions that will effect us , dont be surprised if a vote for Sharia law is on the agenda in the not to distant future .