Well most people here think that their (the couple in question) children are being harmed. People here would complain if any children were being harmed by their parents.
You seem to have jumped to the conclusion that we're picking on some poor people, but we don't complain about the wealthy. In terms of NSC in general, I'd say you couldn't be further from the truth.
Personally I don't see why they should be immune to criticism when they court publicity and are only poor because they choose to be.
I'm very sorry to hear thatCompared to what my family have to live on now since I had to pack up work due to cancer
So you think (and I'm sure most would agree) that beating children is unacceptable, but you think keeping them out of school, not feeding them anything half decent, and not teaching them to read or anything else, is ok. Well I disagree.Yeah, if they beat their kids I hope someone intervenes. But in 2019 when people call social services if you let your children go alone to the playground 100 meters (I dont know how much it is in sticks and stones but you get the concept) away, "abusing your children" is just very vague and subjective.
Well it seemed that you were concluding we attack poor people, but not the rich, as you concluded we attacked them (and not the queen) because its easier and more tolerated to kick & spit the little people.I have no conclusions about NSC in general, too early for me to see any clear structures
Bitter? You think people here wish they were living like this couple? You're very confused.but I have a conclusion about this thread and the way people in general act towards people who make odd or weird life choices, and I dont like it - it oozes bitterness.
Trig they ain't poor! Compared to what my family have to live on now since I had to pack up work due to cancer. I had 46 years of bloody hard work before that.
Trig they ain't poor! Compared to what my family have to live on now since I had to pack up work due to cancer. I had 46 years of bloody hard work before that.
And that my friend puts all this in perspective.
My wife has a condition that will continue to degenerate, my daughter is her carer on £60 per week. I fortunately have a reasonable job but things are very tight. My daughter has a raw deal unable to ‘work ‘ to get a proper job yet without her I’d have to stop working and rely totally on benefits. Meanwhile these parasites are kept by us.
I dont criticize people who work in McDonalds, I just say that they are no better than the people not working at all.
As above, sorry to hear, id like to be able to help your family out with my taxes for sure - unreal how even on here people have genuine stories of hard times from shit luck and health reasons and yet these guys think it’s ok to sponge off us all. I’d love to spend every day with my daughter but I can’t as I have to work. That’s life. If everyone took his approach there would be no life.
Who ties your shoelaces for you?
Of course people that work at McDonalds are better than people that chose not to work.
If the couple that this thread is about chose to live in a caravan in their own field and didn't have a council property or take zero benefits, I wouldn't criticise them.
One of my sons worked at McDonalds for 4 years, at the same time he went to college and then university.
He would admit it's not a great job, but I admire people that work hard rather than sit around sponging
Well it seemed that you were concluding we attack poor people, but not the rich, as you concluded we attacked them (and not the queen) because its easier and more tolerated to kick & spit the little people.
Sounds like you just earned a pay rise . . .do you work in the Laines for a crowdfunded marketing space agency and ride a dayglo bike with no gears or brakes?
just this intense bashing of this family who are absolutely not at fault for the unecessarily shit safety net supposed to help people who get in horrible situations.
This is absolutely the exact same answers I get anytime I say I dont vote.
To me, there is no "least bad option" because just like Oxfam concluded - what you vote for doesnt matter. It doesnt even matter "a little" because the politicans are all working for the oligarchs. Most if not all Western democracies are flawed not as in "bad" or "incompetent", but as in "fake" and "corrupt".
There is no point in voting, but as long as ~80% are buying into it, the show can go on. I refuse to participate. I dont know about others, but I'm certainly not lazy. Rather I find it likely I've put so much time and effort to understand it to realise its just a ****ing show to make you believe you live in a democracy when you're really not.
I think its obvious if you read this very page (well, the one before as of now) of the thread. Some here got horrific stories - I feel with you guys - and there's not one word about the 1% who owns 47% of the global wealth who barely pay any taxes and control and starve society and welfare, just this intense bashing of this family who are absolutely not at fault for the unecessarily shit safety net supposed to help people who get in horrible situations.
People, especially desperate ones in really bad situations, completely ignore that the black hole is above them rather than below or next to them. I think its sad because as long as we keep fighting, bashing and spitting at eachother, we'll never ever be able to the oligarchs laughing at misery.
Because this thread is about a specific family, we don't need to talk about the controlling elite in every bloody thread. There are other threads talking about the elite and guess what - they don't have a single word about this family.I think its obvious if you read this very page (well, the one before as of now) of the thread. Some here got horrific stories - I feel with you guys - and there's not one word about the 1% who owns 47% of the global wealth who barely pay any taxes and control and starve society and welfare
just this intense bashing of this family who are absolutely not at fault for the unecessarily shit safety net supposed to help people who get in horrible situations.
No one is stopping you starting a thread about the world's elite, and coming up with a plan to distribute wealth more evenly.I think its sad because as long as we keep fighting, bashing and spitting at eachother, we'll never ever be able to the oligarchs laughing at misery.
Yeah, I have.
Folks, close your eyes, I'm gonna get weird:
Most people who choose "alternative" lifestyles are incapable of cooping with the society you "normal" people built. They dont see "working at McDonalds" as a reason to get up in the morning, they might have problems with their mental or physical well-being - in short, they might not be able to have a "function" by your standards.