Are socialists not allowed to use smart phones and social media?
I think you have them confused with the Amish
Are socialists not allowed to use smart phones and social media?
I think you have them confused with the Amish
Are socialists not allowed to use smart phones and social media?
I think you have them confused with the Amish
Yes well done for turning up at a socialist environmental protest organised by smart phone and social media. She can cycle up there wearing a sandwich board before she gets my respect.
Anything else you want her to do? Handstand on a unicycle?
Before you read the usual reactionary paper concerning your Mate Dave in Jura who has a bad back (he'll not be killing two deer with one shot today, he is good at that apparently, bless him) and subsequently proceed to tell everyone that the Countryside should be made to look like Croydon, you would do well to peruse a voice of reason if you can be bothered.
According to the figures, to equal current production of the North Sea, we are looking at a minimum of 10,000 wells. A quick tap on ye olde calculator arrives at these numbers on the amount of water that would be needed;-
300000000 tons (water) = 67200000000 gallons (UK)
That is without addressing the steel needed or the waste of energy transporting it around. So you see, the argument that fracking is a plausible solution, is completely false.
I think this fracking company at least has a responsibility to tell everybody what the actual risks are from fracking, tell the truth.
anything a company says is discredited as propaganda, the details and reality get lost in a sea of FUD.
Any idea how much water it takes to make a tablet computer? Ever been on North Korean Facebook?
people dont want to hear the truth. they just listen to the most vociferious argument, usually the green or Nimby lobby these days (applies to anything). anything a company says is discredited as propaganda, the details and reality get lost in a sea of FUD. like the water usage above, either a few extra zeros added to embelish or thats not actually as much water as you might think, but my what a big number, must be bad? i read that the amount of water used in fracking in the US was a fraction of that used to water golf courses, i dont know if thats true, but illustrates that a big number is meaningly without context. similar fear around nuclear has all but killed off that industry, but that would solve the carbon issues and the waste problems arent as significant as is made out, or could be eliminated with technology.
LBC where talking about this issue yesterday. The presenter was saying that protesting is the wrong way to go about it, my question is how else are people able to make a point, because if you try and talk nobody will listen and they will just push it through like all cases.
They didn't listen to people as regards the incinerator in Newhaven after years of campaigning, the deal was completed years before.
I think this fracking company at least has a responsibility to tell everybody what the actual risks are from fracking, tell the truth. People telling these protestors to shove off, wonder what they will say in a few years if in fact they where right. It would then be a case of we told you so.
The problem being that many companies have been proven to lie as so much money is involved - Pacific Gas and Electric Company![]()
Personally I will take the word of Greenpeace over most sources ...
1. It could frack the climate
The world already has far more gas and oil than we can burn if we are to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of global climate change. Finding more will only make it worse.
There are 8 sites where fracking may take place in England. Balcombe isn't one of them. I'd just like to know why the rent a mob hippies don't go to one of them.
dont for a moment disagree. but that shouldnt mean we ignore all information from companies. on the other hand, special interest groups have been proven to lie too, to support their causes. like...
to address their first concern, its simply a matter of fact that gas is more efficient and cleaner than coal. the whole point why we are interested in fracking for gas is to get a cleaner energy source, cheaper. we could follow the logic and just carry on shipping gas from overseas. they'd be against that too of course, Greenpeace is against any use of fossil fuels, so why don they just say that? because reality bites and people want to have a cup of tea while watching Corrie, so they twist the story and hide the agenda.
The world already has far more gas and oil than we can burn if we are to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of global climate change. Finding more will only make it worse.
In amongst all of the biased commentary and propaganda from both sides in this debate (although as an observation we seem to be hearing more anti than pro at the moment) does anybody know of a credible source for an objective assessment of the pros and cons for the UK?
OK so it might not be any cheaper and it might infringe on the some of the "NICER" places we have in the UK but we would not be relient on getting our gas from places like Russia and shipping it in from the middle east.