Can I hgihly recommend
Gran Torino
It is at your local dvd store now. I am getting it out tonight and it is f***ing superb and Eastwood is the coolest movie star of all time.
Saw this on Sky a couple of nights ago. A must see.
Can I hgihly recommend
Gran Torino
It is at your local dvd store now. I am getting it out tonight and it is f***ing superb and Eastwood is the coolest movie star of all time.
It was shit, and frankly I don't give a f*** what anyone else thinks. I am more likely to listen to professional film critics. *
* I don't actually think that as I haven't seen it - but just wanted to play devils advocate and prove that you may not be right about EVERYTHING in the world of film.
Saw this on Sky a couple of nights ago. A must see.
You note I gave it a higher mark than Transformers - The Revenge of the Fallen and there wasn't even 1 explosion in it.
You couldn't write lines as funny as that.
Despite the negative critcal reviews I went to see Transformers 2 - The Revenge of the Fallen in a 75% full Odean tonight.
The critical reviews were almost universally bad. Kermode ratched it up saying he hated, hated, hated it.
I thoroughly enjoyed Transformers 1 which was for me a damn good action film with where the art of special effects and CGI had the bar raised.
So I went with exectations fairly low after the critical bashing.
The film was absolutely f***ing SUPERB.
The action and pace of the film started with a 10 and rarely fell below 9. The action sequences and the special effects and CGI raised the bar even higher than Transformers. The story was decent enough for me. Its a cartoon action storyline after all. The story was well paced and made sense. All complete nonsense of course but anyone going to see Transformers about Aliens tranforming into machines and robots expecting a Shakespearean epic tale really need a reality check.
Shia Labeouff was following on from part 1 and did a perfectly reasonable job. Megan Fox did what she was there for , to be eye candy and to admire her looks , body and breasts. She did an acceptable acting role but eye candy was her role.
Sam's parents added a light humourous touch. There were many amusing moments and general good humor albeit it at a schoolboy level.
Optimus Prime was magnificent and the battles whcih came thick and fast were jaw dropping.
My partner loved it and stated it was one of the best action films ever seen and better than part 1. I would agree. As a Summer blockbuster action film it had it all and was even better than Transformers 1. Go into the cinema and leave your analytical brain at the door and take it for what it is and you will have a hoot. Its not everyone's cup of tea I am sure but it is mine and I f***ing LOVED it.
The critics and box office expected a decent start and to drop through bad word of mouth. The opposite has happened and good word of mouth has happened with people seeing it, loving it and spreading the word. The film has remained top of the box office for nearly 3 weeks here and in the USA taking nearly $ 600 000 000 in less than 3 weeks.
Judging by the reaction of the audience with cheers and clapping at the end the vast majority of the audience loved it.
Ignore the critics this was excellent summer action blockbuster fare.
Oh do just f*** off Christian. Maybe you could ask for a part in the next one, as a teaboy.
Ha! Come on US _ it's tradition to rib you for your film choices! And I'm an actor not a runner so why would I get a job making tea?
NSC really is being infested with total tossers at the moment making the experience thoroughly unpleasant most of the time. Unnecessary abuse from people, no need, not justified but I suppose you have to feel sorry for people like Nibble who seems to get off on being as unpleasant to everyone as he possibly can. He must have some serious issues.
Apologies to Nibble I over reacted![]()