Higham Seagull Army
Active member
This is a very important question.
Its CLEAR to evryone what they basicaly stand for. I believe people, and obviously im not saying 'natual Labour' supports are rasists, but the the partys that stand out for the anti-Euro vote a little like this:
Torys who are very anti-Europe will vote UKIP.
Centre Labour voters who are anti-Europe will vote UKIP
The very Left that are Anti-Europe will vote BNP.
Most of the UK wants out of the EU. This was a referndom of sorts. To dismiss the BNP is very worrying as a student of Histroy as this is what happen with the Nazis. There are big problmes that politions do not want to talk about. Imigration. Even thought (dispite what many on this forum think) is a MASSIVE problem within the UK. The numbers in this elections speak for themselves.
Why would someone on the far left vote for a party promoting fascism ?