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FAO: Anyone who wishes to show their support to students...


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Those people are, to put it bluntly, f***ing idiots. So too are those graffiti-ing Nelson's column, or the ones who trashed the Tory offices. They're missing the point of the protest as much as those assuming every student believes their violence is justified.

Agreed but why didn't the others 500 students say or better still do something ? Fine, they can protest about their grants but seemingly have nothing to say about mindless violence. All that happens now is that people who were sympathetic are a lot less so now. Can you imagine the outcry if 100 football fans have done the same thing ? If I'd read that in the Daily Mail I would have taken it with a pinch of salt but I do believe the BBC report facts with no agenda.

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
Well clearly you like to exaggerate you position because nobody has asked you to 'f*** Off' as you so elegantly put it (isn't education marvellous ?) Whilst many degrees do have a use to the public at large a hell of a lot don't.This idea that higher education gives you transferable skills is a complete myth as these same so called skills are to be gained in any walk of life, how do you think those people who haven't been to university cope ?

The whole thing is that whilst most students are exercising their democratic right to protest they're wasting their time at the end of the day as there's no way that this government will back down. It's also a cause that loses credibility every time a 'student' picks something up and throws it.

Well I support the students are I am glad that there is at least one group of people out there who has got something to say and is getting of their arse to say it. Whilst I do not agree with your sentiments I'd rather someone move to another city, commit to 3-4 years of study and experience things they simply do not get a chance to do back home no matter how worthless you deem it rather than sit on their fat arse probably living in the same city in which they were born moaning about life via a keyboard.

Flavor Flav

Get those trousers off!
Jul 5, 2008
West Sussex
Agreed but why didn't the others 500 students say or better still do something ? Fine, they can protest about their grants but seemingly have nothing to say about mindless violence. All that happens now is that people who were sympathetic are a lot less so now. Can you imagine the outcry if 100 football fans have done the same thing ? If I'd read that in the Daily Mail I would have taken it with a pinch of salt but I do believe the BBC report facts with no agenda.

To be fair though, you are a miserable old ****.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Well I support the students are I am glad that there is at least one group of people out there who has got something to say and is getting of their arse to say it. Whilst I do not agree with your sentiments I'd rather someone move to another city, commit to 3-4 years of study and experience things they simply do not get a chance to do back home no matter how worthless you deem it rather than sit on their fat arse probably living in the same city in which they were born moaning about life via a keyboard.

Well bully for you, however if you consider your above comments apply to me you really are ignorant. I have no objection to students protesting their case as long as they stay within the law, clearly a large number don't seem to see that and thus I have no time for any of them. As I say they can huff and they can puff but there's now way this government will change it's plans so it's all rather pointless.


Native Creative
Jul 8, 2003
the university system gives us doctors, solicitors, architechts, engineers and a hundred other roles achieved through 'vocational' subjects. But the supposedly non-essential, 'useless', new-age jobs in media, marketing, advertising etc - may not be essential to you personally in a life or death way like a surgeon - but contribute to the economy as a whole based on your choices.

Whatever happened to respect for education? Kids dont respect it, adults dont respect it...seems like a slippery slope to me.

110% bang on.

Well I support the students are I am glad that there is at least one group of people out there who has got something to say and is getting of their arse to say it. Whilst I do not agree with your sentiments I'd rather someone move to another city, commit to 3-4 years of study and experience things they simply do not get a chance to do back home no matter how worthless you deem it rather than sit on their fat arse probably living in the same city in which they were born moaning about life via a keyboard.

Ouch, that has got to hurt!! You are spot on. Some people can't see the bigger picture. Just let them get on with it, I'm sure the Sun will change their mind soon enough, when they feel like it. :lolol::lolol:

You should be proud of wanting to better yourself through education.


Apr 23, 2007
1. When you are ill, would you like to see a doctor trained to a high level to diagnose and hopefully cure you?
2. When your house subsides, or you need an extension, would you like an engineer to design the foundations?
3. When you sell your house, would you like a solicitor to act on your behalf to ensure the contract of sale is in order?
4. When you drive somewhere, would you like to drive on a road that has been engineered with correct drainage etc.?
5. When in your car, do you want it to get your there so that it's been engineered to work.

Who should pay for an 18yr old to achieve these professions? If a whole generation decide University is not for them, we are f*cked. We'll rely even more on immigrant professionals coming in to fill the gaps, we'll lose out in innovation, large contracts will be lost to international contractors etc. Don't pretend you as an individual can somehow get by in this society without people going to University. So the question is, why should the cost of that education lie solely with the individual? A doctor, architect, engineer, teacher etc. put far more back into society than they take out overall. Will we even have any teachers given their projected potential income compared to the debt they'll finish with?

I went through Uni in the 90's with student loans, but didn't have to pay fee's. I managed the loan repayments okay when I was earning, and so I'm not against paying back your education, however the scale of these proposals appear to be frightening, and frankly are regressive against anyone coming from many middle class families, let alone those considered on more moderate incomes.

I worked bloody hard at Uni, I'd like to know anyone else who stayed up 48hours non stop getting an end of year set of work finished, and consistent all nighters throughout the years, many weekends. Mine may have been a particularly tough course, but many are, and many students come out ready to offer a great deal to society as a whole.

Sums it up perfectly, and saved me the bother, though to be fair you've probably summed it up better than I would have done myself. We need people to go to university, and i presume it wouldnt bother most if those going through the system and taking the well trained jobs were those who were able to afford to do so. But for those who have always wanted to go into further education, but cannot afford the prospect of paying £9k a year for fee's alone, surely anyone can sympathise with any student for being pissed off.
I understand that for years Universities have offered degrees in subjects that arent worth studying, and arguably decent courses, but at Universities which arent respected, and leave those coming out with little hope of getting a job when up against Oxbridge graduates. I'm half way through applying, at the stage where i've sent my application, had some offers, and feel i've chosen a worthwhile course. One which from asking around IS neccessary in order to get into the area/proffession which I want to be in. (Course is Law with Criminology).

I can put up with Inflation, and making sacrifices to get the country out of debt, but these are undoubtedly far too excessive.

Put it this way, would you be happy if the Albion suddenly increased season ticket prices by 300%, because others at the club well before your lifetime had made poor financial decisions?

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
Well bully for you, however if you consider your above comments apply to me you really are ignorant. I have no objection to students protesting their case as long as they stay within the law, clearly a large number don't seem to see that and thus I have no time for any of them. As I say they can huff and they can puff but there's now way this government will change it's plans so it's all rather pointless.

Of the comments which I aimed at you....which do not apply? Please tell. I first stated my position. Then countered your 'wasting their time' comment by saying that I was glad someone actually had something to say i.e. I value self expression. I then drew a comparison between people who did and did not go to uni i.e. a sideways reference to your 'how do they cope' comment.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Put it this way, would you be happy if the Albion suddenly increased season ticket prices by 300%, because others at the club well before your lifetime had made poor financial decisions?

Interesting point that, the first Albion match I saw cost me the equivalent of 25p as against the £25 it costs me now.

Mar 29, 2010
Under your skin.
So the BBC reports are wrong ? I doubt that.

I suppose saying the first trouble was caused by the police was naive but their actions only led to the trouble escalating.

The first trouble I saw was my mate being punched by a policeman. :shrug:

A few hundred people were standing outside Hove town hall peacefully. The police started tasering people.

That was never going to help the situation.


Apr 23, 2007
Interesting point that, the first Albion match I saw cost me the equivalent of 25p as against the £25 it costs me now.

You've twisted what i said.
Inflation is completely different to a sudden 300% increase in what should be something equally accessible to all.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Of the comments which I aimed at you....which do not apply? Please tell. I first stated my position. Then countered your 'wasting their time' comment by saying that I was glad someone actually had something to say i.e. I value self expression. I then drew a comparison between people who did and did not go to uni i.e. a sideways reference to your 'how do they cope' comment.

Pretty much all of them, I actually work for a living and pay tax. Does my job matter ? Obviously it does for the people who employ me. I can't see what difference it makes whether you go to university or not as many people in my (and no doubt many other) professions did not go to university and yet they're just as capable (and paid) as any of their peers who have been in higher education. Of course rather than moaning about how much their education has cost them they were out working (and paying tax). However you stupid remarks speak highly as to the value of higher education as you clearly have a very high (and false) opinion of your own smug importance. You have no idea about me and yet you make sweeping assumptions, do you read the Daily Mail ?


Apr 23, 2007
Pretty much all of them, I actually work for a living and pay tax. Does my job matter ? Obviously it does for the people who employ me. I can't see what difference it makes whether you go to university or not as many people in my (and no doubt many other) professions did not go to university and yet they're just as capable (and paid) as any of their peers who have been in higher education. Of course rather than moaning about how much their education has cost them they were out working (and paying tax). However you stupid remarks speak highly as to the value of higher education as you clearly have a very high (and false) opinion of your own smug importance. You have no idea about me and yet you make sweeping assumptions, do you read the Daily Mail ?

From the basic understanding of your post, it would suggest your opinion is that nobody needs to go to university: "I can't see what difference it makes whether you go to university or not".

Please correct me. Surely?

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
Pretty much all of them, I actually work for a living and pay tax. Does my job matter ? Obviously it does for the people who employ me. I can't see what difference it makes whether you go to university or not as many people in my (and no doubt many other) professions did not go to university and yet they're just as capable (and paid) as any of their peers who have been in higher education. Of course rather than moaning about how much their education has cost them they were out working (and paying tax). However you stupid remarks speak highly as to the value of higher education as you clearly have a very high (and false) opinion of your own smug importance. You have no idea about me and yet you make sweeping assumptions, do you read the Daily Mail ?

Where did I make a reference to YOUR job? Clearly you value education solely by the career prospects. All of your comments relate to this. I do not. And what sweeping assumptions have I made? I did aim my 'same city' comment at you, an assumption but not sweeping. And do I read The Daily Mail. You really are a twat. People only have to read about three of my postings before they know I'm a Guardian reading lefty. Jesus f***ing wept. That line about moving away from your home town..... please, give it some serious thought and think of it as a gift from me to you.

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
From the basic understanding of your post, it would suggest your opinion is that nobody needs to go to university: "I can't see what difference it makes whether you go to university or not".

Please correct me. Surely?

Quite. I'm wondering why I'm bothering with this idiot.

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland


Active member
Dec 30, 2007
The conditions today were perfect for the use of water canons. Experiencing their clothes freezing to their skins might have persuaded these pampered products of our decadent state to get back to their studies, instead of wasting their time and the nation's money. How ridiculous that we're cutting spending drastically on defence and law and order while continuing to pour billions into educating these ungrateful brats.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
My point is, those of college/university age are going to be hardest hit as a general group, because they're damned if they do go, damned if they don't.

But their not. Many people are losing their jobs and then their homes - hardly something that is happening to students. In an earlier post you likened the students having a harder times than pensioners which as complete rubbish.

Students need to understand they are NOT the hardest hit and smashing up police vans, using mob rule and occupying buildings ( all of which I've seen on the news today ) will not enhance their cause or argument. As each demo goes by I have less and less sympathy with them and now hope the police go in hard next time. The students only have themselves to blame.

Robbie G

New member
Jul 26, 2004
The conditions today were perfect for the use of water canons. Experiencing their clothes freezing to their skins might have persuaded these pampered products of our decadent state to get back to their studies, instead of wasting their time and the nation's money. How ridiculous that we're cutting spending drastically on defence and law and order while continuing to pour billions into educating these ungrateful brats.

Yeah that would be great. Create an ice-rink in the middle of Brighton for everyone to slip around on. Marvellous thinking.

Robbie G

New member
Jul 26, 2004
But their not. Many people are losing their jobs and then their homes - hardly something that is happening to students. In an earlier post you likened the students having a harder times than pensioners which as complete rubbish.

Students need to understand they are NOT the hardest hit and smashing up police vans, using mob rule and occupying buildings ( all of which I've seen on the news today ) will not enhance their cause or argument. As each demo goes by I have less and less sympathy with them and now hope the police go in hard next time. The students only have themselves to blame.

Please don't group all students into one entity. The ones causing the damage, I suspect, are the same people who would cause damage regardless of what the protest was about.

Fees should increase, but not three-fold in one foul swoop.

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