Green Cross Code Man
Wunt be druv
Given our (understandable) focus on Brexit, this kind of action helps to highlight the real issue our generation faces.
Why selfish, more like selfless, he ain't getting paid and is making a personal sacrifice to expose a threat to mankind. Can't really compare with the drones at Gatwick that effected over 100,000 people causing 100's of flights to be cancelled. that's just a little silly.
You could argue flying is a privilege of rich westerners, not a right...
Bit torn on this is one.
One side of me says, FFS I've got a business meeting on Dublin, who is this t*sser ruining my day?
The other says, you know what, this guy is doing what I would never be prepared to do. He's getting a criminal record to highlight the desperate state of our climate, there's nothing in it for him at all. We all need to wake up...
Protest in towns and cities, fair enough. Gain as much attention to the cause as possible - also fair enough.
Disrupting a relatively small number of people intending to fly is the behaviour of an utter selfish wanker. It's not for me, this bloke. No better than people who flew drones in order to stop people flying to or from Gatwick. They don't have the right to disrupt people's lives.
I'd have thought someone with your Profile Name would have wanted planes to be in the air !!
He's a total moron in my opinion, delaying people temporarily, who flew anyway, for absolutely no personal benefit at all. Just a sad man with time on his hands and nothing better to do. What a waste of life. I hope he gets a nice, significant, fine.
You can make the comparison with the Gatwick drones wankers, because it's deliberate disruption to flights. Selfless acts.
It's not just rich Westerners who are flying, even I did it earlier this year. I get away once a year if I'm lucky, it's good for anyone to get out of their country for a while. It's an option, and why shouldn't people fly without any sense of guilt for having done so.
You sound surprised that someone would do something for no personal benefit, some people do actually do stuff not for their own personal enrichment.
Protest in towns and cities, fair enough. Gain as much attention to the cause as possible - also fair enough.
Disrupting a relatively small number of people intending to fly is the behaviour of an utter selfish wanker. It's not for me, this bloke. No better than people who flew drones in order to stop people flying to or from Gatwick. They don't have the right to disrupt people's lives.
Interestingly the business next door to mine specialise in training the army in all things drones. They are very skeptical about the Gatwick thing and suggested it is unlikely someone could do that undetected. Also was told that nobody actually spotted the elusive drone which I wasn't aware of
Did they have any ideas what was actually happening, then?
Someone sat on the roof of a plane now, why not just take off![]()
Did they have any ideas what was actually happening, then?
I think the most plausible reason is a drone was reported. The keystone cops sent up their own drone to investigate. The public spotted this and reported it. The cycle continues. The fact the airport kept closing, police drone went up, found nothing, and re-opened only for a public sighting to close it again happened regularly all through the day supports this theory.
I am not so sure that some of these are doing it for no person benefit. At the heart of things they will have a feeling of pride and purpose that they may not have in their normal lives. This guy sounded like a condescending **** and as such doesn't have my support. He may have found belonging with this movement and an acceptance he hasn't felt before, I don't know him so can't say for definite but you could argue that there is rarely a truly selfless act...
We definitely need to look at climate change and make sure that my kids and grandkids have a safe planet to live on. But the fact of the matter is that I doubt every single one of these protesters has walked to the protest, they will have flown, driven, got buses etc. It is all about moderation. For all they know the people on that flight were on their first flight for years and truly had to be on it for family emergencies etc. Some may miss seeing a relative for the last time because of delays. It gets publicity but it is a dick move in my view. Lets work on plans for sustainable transport, increase capacity on public transport to remove reliance on single person car journeys.
We need to listen to these guys and get to the heart of the problem but I am not hearing many ideas of what to do being banded about. We have made great strides in terms of renewable energy etc. even since I was a kid but have generations of people happy to purchase cheap crap that will be thrown away, or tents in their hundreds that are left at festivals etc. is not going to help. We also need to understand that we can't change over night no matter how much people wish we could.
I have seen a load of images of some of the proper hippy types at these protests, in their tents high off god knows what. Do they ensure that was ethically sourced? Whilst I accept that will be a small percentage of the people there and be sensationalised by the media/social media you would hope that they would be challenged on that by their own?
Interesting Andrew Neil 'Extinction Rebellion' interview.