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It is far too easy to accept such sayings unquestioningly and pass them on as accepted wisdom.
It is far too easy to accept such sayings unquestioningly and pass them on as accepted wisdom.
For what it's worth, I don't believe in God.
However, I admire people with Faith and I'd defend anyone's right to their Faith. I think Faith has an active role to play in making sure we do see a miracle here on earth today, namely that we all get on and support one another.
I actively dislike organised religion. That to my mind is a bit of theatre designed to fool the masses. Always causes problems and pits man against man because its wedded to dogma.
Someone else explored this theme far better than I have expressed on another thread. Can't remember who it was, but they put it very very well.
And why do people back up their arguments with famous people's quotes?
Those famous people are humans like you, they could be talking rubbish! (Some of them do!)`
I don't believe in bananas, even though bananas are real, I don't believe they exist, maybe it's because I'm mad? I'm not sure.
I take it you've looked into all the theoretical physics involved,and refuted it then?To be honest, when it comes to religion and "is there a God" debates, as a Christian I am a bit of a wind up when atheists are arguing that God is a load of "mythical bullshit." The atheists among my friends are ALWAYS the ones who start a debate with me about Christianity, most of those atheists, if not all have had pretty crap childhoods and only think God doesn't exist because of "how much crap they've been through." One lad lost his dad very young and has had a pretty bad life, and always says something to me in R.E about how stupid the idea of God is.
I have been going to church for 2 years, and in that time, I have gradually got the idea in my head that there is a God.
LIFE. Life is a miracle, WHY does life exist? Why SHOULD life exist. Evolution says we started from flipping fish, I think that's about as deluded as the idea there there's a "God."
You atheists are just against goodness, and can't see that you're living in something special, that you HAVE a life. Stop taking a miracle for granted by saying we came from fish.
Also, WHERE did the big bang come from? I would like to know, cos' if you're saying that from NOTHING. Yes NOTHING. (And by nothing I mean that nothing at all existed) The suddenly a BANG appeared. That sounds like a kids book. "And suddenly there was a bang." Bull crap imo.
To be honest, when it comes to religion and "is there a God" debates, as a Christian I am a bit of a wind up when atheists are arguing that God is a load of "mythical bullshit." The atheists among my friends are ALWAYS the ones who start a debate with me about Christianity, most of those atheists, if not all have had pretty crap childhoods and only think God doesn't exist because of "how much crap they've been through." One lad lost his dad very young and has had a pretty bad life, and always says something to me in R.E about how stupid the idea of God is.
I have been going to church for 2 years, and in that time, I have gradually got the idea in my head that there is a God.
LIFE. Life is a miracle, WHY does life exist? Why SHOULD life exist. Evolution says we started from flipping fish, I think that's about as deluded as the idea there there's a "God."
You atheists are just against goodness, and can't see that you're living in something special, that you HAVE a life. Stop taking a miracle for granted by saying we came from fish.
Also, WHERE did the big bang come from? I would like to know, cos' if you're saying that from NOTHING. Yes NOTHING. (And by nothing I mean that nothing at all existed) The suddenly a BANG appeared. That sounds like a kids book. "And suddenly there was a bang." Bull crap imo.
(In his five hundredth year Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth). if you printed the fiction that is the bible for kids today a 5 year old would not believe it
To be honest, when it comes to religion and "is there a God" debates, as a Christian I am a bit of a wind up when atheists are arguing that God is a load of "mythical bullshit." The atheists among my friends are ALWAYS the ones who start a debate with me about Christianity, most of those atheists, if not all have had pretty crap childhoods and only think God doesn't exist because of "how much crap they've been through." One lad lost his dad very young and has had a pretty bad life, and always says something to me in R.E about how stupid the idea of God is.
I have been going to church for 2 years, and in that time, I have gradually got the idea in my head that there is a God.
LIFE. Life is a miracle, WHY does life exist? Why SHOULD life exist. Evolution says we started from flipping fish, I think that's about as deluded as the idea there there's a "God."
You atheists are just against goodness, and can't see that you're living in something special, that you HAVE a life. Stop taking a miracle for granted by saying we came from fish.
Also, WHERE did the big bang come from? I would like to know, cos' if you're saying that from NOTHING. Yes NOTHING. (And by nothing I mean that nothing at all existed) The suddenly a BANG appeared. That sounds like a kids book. "And suddenly there was a bang." Bull crap imo.
To be honest, when it comes to religion and "is there a God" debates, as a Christian I am a bit of a wind up when atheists are arguing that God is a load of "mythical bullshit." The atheists among my friends are ALWAYS the ones who start a debate with me about Christianity, most of those atheists, if not all have had pretty crap childhoods and only think God doesn't exist because of "how much crap they've been through." One lad lost his dad very young and has had a pretty bad life, and always says something to me in R.E about how stupid the idea of God is.
I have been going to church for 2 years, and in that time, I have gradually got the idea in my head that there is a God.
LIFE. Life is a miracle, WHY does life exist? Why SHOULD life exist. Evolution says we started from flipping fish, I think that's about as deluded as the idea there there's a "God."
You atheists are just against goodness, and can't see that you're living in something special, that you HAVE a life. Stop taking a miracle for granted by saying we came from fish.
Also, WHERE did the big bang come from? I would like to know, cos' if you're saying that from NOTHING. Yes NOTHING. (And by nothing I mean that nothing at all existed) The suddenly a BANG appeared. That sounds like a kids book. "And suddenly there was a bang." Bull crap imo.
Watch by Lawrence Krauss, AAI 2009 - YouTube
Try to understand - I struggled and I have a degree in applied physics but give it a go - and then admit the entire argument about the big bang is the classic argument from ignorance.
It also knocks into touch the idiotic argument that creatards like to trot out about the second law of thermodynamics while you are at it. The video is a beautiful refutation of EVERY argument the creatards spout about why there needs to be a creator. There does not, every current experiment in quantum physics shows their falsehoods for what they are.
Edit to add, I'm not trying to be arsey here when I say try to understand. I genunely struggled with some of the concepts he presents and I do have a degree in applied physics. It is fairly shrap stuff (a year or two old I think) stuff about physics and cosmology.
Sorry, but where did Tribe B come from? I missed this in the thread. Were they created by God 2?
Does Prof Lennox have any insights into this or how many Gods there were?
Stewart, this one's addressed at you. Speaking as an extremely happy individual, who had a fortunate, loving upbringing from two parents who are still together, who has (I believe) a strong and functional moral code, a long-term girlfriend on whom I've never cheated and a very, very strong belief in the innate goodness of people, this atheist thinks you're talking utter bollocks.
Against goodness? Where the f*** did that come from? I'm a member of the British Humanist Association. Look up humanism if you're not familiar with it. Against goodness it most certainly is not, it merely seeks to promote goodness, promote society without theology, so I'd thank you not to tell me that I'm against 'goodness', however you may define that particular abstraction. Nobody ever killed in the name of atheism. Nobody ever started a war in the name of atheism. For money, for oil, for political dogma, whatever the f***, yeah, but not for the belief itself, unlike some religious fundamentalists. Yet we're 'against goodness'? f***, man, seriously.
And we don't know for certain where the big bang came from, or even for certain if that's what happened. That's the beauty of rationalist science - revelling in the unknown and seeking to fill those gaps. Better that than the blind certainty of creationist faith and the desperate search for a reason why life should exist, when there need be no such thing to revel in that life and try to do a bit of good while you're at it. I can see all too well that I'm living in something special, I don't need to share your faith to recognise that, and my knowledge that this is it, that there is no eternal punishment or reward for the way I live it, makes me appreciate it all the more, not less, thanks very much.
To be honest, when it comes to religion and "is there a God" debates, as a Christian I am a bit of a wind up when atheists are arguing that God is a load of "mythical bullshit." The atheists among my friends are ALWAYS the ones who start a debate with me about Christianity, most of those atheists, if not all have had pretty crap childhoods and only think God doesn't exist because of "how much crap they've been through." One lad lost his dad very young and has had a pretty bad life, and always says something to me in R.E about how stupid the idea of God is.
I have been going to church for 2 years, and in that time, I have gradually got the idea in my head that there is a God.
LIFE. Life is a miracle, WHY does life exist? Why SHOULD life exist. Evolution says we started from flipping fish, I think that's about as deluded as the idea there there's a "God."
You atheists are just against goodness, and can't see that you're living in something special, that you HAVE a life. Stop taking a miracle for granted by saying we came from fish.
Also, WHERE did the big bang come from? I would like to know, cos' if you're saying that from NOTHING. Yes NOTHING. (And by nothing I mean that nothing at all existed) The suddenly a BANG appeared. That sounds like a kids book. "And suddenly there was a bang." Bull crap imo.
And why do people say:
I don't believe in God
Shouldn't you say I don't believe in a God?
That's like saying I don't believe in TV.
*Sigh* Oh Stewart you're exactly the sort of person I was talking about.To be honest, when it comes to religion and "is there a God" debates, as a Christian I am a bit of a wind up when atheists are arguing that God is a load of "mythical bullshit." The atheists among my friends are ALWAYS the ones who start a debate with me about Christianity, most of those atheists, if not all have had pretty crap childhoods and only think God doesn't exist because of "how much crap they've been through." One lad lost his dad very young and has had a pretty bad life, and always says something to me in R.E about how stupid the idea of God is.
I have been going to church for 2 years, and in that time, I have gradually got the idea in my head that there is a God.
LIFE. Life is a miracle, WHY does life exist? Why SHOULD life exist. Evolution says we started from flipping fish, I think that's about as deluded as the idea there there's a "God."
You atheists are just against goodness, and can't see that you're living in something special, that you HAVE a life. Stop taking a miracle for granted by saying we came from fish.
Also, WHERE did the big bang come from? I would like to know, cos' if you're saying that from NOTHING. Yes NOTHING. (And by nothing I mean that nothing at all existed) The suddenly a BANG appeared. That sounds like a kids book. "And suddenly there was a bang." Bull crap imo.
To be honest, when it comes to religion and "is there a God" debates, as a Christian I am a bit of a wind up when atheists are arguing that God is a load of "mythical bullshit." The atheists among my friends are ALWAYS the ones who start a debate with me about Christianity, most of those atheists, if not all have had pretty crap childhoods and only think God doesn't exist because of "how much crap they've been through." One lad lost his dad very young and has had a pretty bad life, and always says something to me in R.E about how stupid the idea of God is.
I have been going to church for 2 years, and in that time, I have gradually got the idea in my head that there is a God.
LIFE. Life is a miracle, WHY does life exist? Why SHOULD life exist. Evolution says we started from flipping fish, I think that's about as deluded as the idea there there's a "God."
You atheists are just against goodness, and can't see that you're living in something special, that you HAVE a life. Stop taking a miracle for granted by saying we came from fish.
Also, WHERE did the big bang come from? I would like to know, cos' if you're saying that from NOTHING. Yes NOTHING. (And by nothing I mean that nothing at all existed) The suddenly a BANG appeared. That sounds like a kids book. "And suddenly there was a bang." Bull crap imo.