FFS this thread is about leaving problematic Europe! The lefties have done a great job of swinging it to climate change/global warning.
I am a deeply cynical and sceptical soul but when the consensus of the world's scientific community tells us something I am inclined to believe it. Apparently the earth's climate is warming and we are partly responsible.
This figure of 97% of scientist.agreeing with global warming is BOGUS. This figure comes from a review of how many published scientific papers (I don't know the method of sampling) referred to climate change. So, if a paper was sceptical of climate change, it was included in the 97%.
Another thing you may want to question.
1. Why is Antarctic sea ice at the highest level ever recorded?
2. Why (based on the 2 satellite temperature datsets), has there been no reported warming for 18 odd years?
3. Why wasn't the medieval warm period shown in the famous 'Hockey Stick Graph' (clue - data manipulation)?
4. How can the missing heat get transferred to the deep oceans without warming the top layer of the ocean?
5. All climate model are software with assumptions programmed in. The assumptions are biased towards warming, so they are BOUND to show warming in their results. Doh!!! All climate model projections don't match reality and they are getting worse.
etc., etc..
This figure of 97% of scientist.agreeing with global warming is BOGUS. This figure comes from a review of how many published scientific papers (I don't know the method of sampling) referred to climate change. So, if a paper was sceptical of climate change, it was included in the 97%. .
No they haven't !Just as many, if not more 'righties' involved in the climate change discussion. One person gave his opinion that he would stay in the EU because of its climate change and environmental policy (seems reaonsably enough to me). Then the 'righties' started to debate the validity of climate change.
With your warped perception you should work for Fox news.
The result comes from those papers that expressed an position on anthropogenic climate change. 97% of papers that expressed a view on anthropogenic climate change siad that it was caused by humans.
It appears that there were a large number of papers that expressed no position on the human involvement in climate change (66%) but those that did had an overwhelming.
Only 0.3% of papers outright rejected human involvement
I don't pretend to understand all the science behind this stuff but I am going with the experts on this one. That is after all what they are there for.
This figure of 97% of scientist.agreeing with global warming is BOGUS. This figure comes from a review of how many published scientific papers (I don't know the method of sampling) referred to climate change. So, if a paper was sceptical of climate change, it was included in the 97%.
Another thing you may want to question.
1. Why is Antarctic sea ice at the highest level ever recorded?
2. Why (based on the 2 satellite temperature datsets), has there been no reported warming for 18 odd years?
3. Why wasn't the medieval warm period shown in the famous 'Hockey Stick Graph' (clue - data manipulation)?
4. How can the missing heat get transferred to the deep oceans without warming the top layer of the ocean?
5. All climate model are software with assumptions programmed in. The assumptions are biased towards warming, so they are BOUND to show warming in their results. Doh!!! All climate model projections don't match reality and they are getting worse.
etc., etc..
luckily for me i have found myself in a position where i do not have to rely on money but when i did i never sunk as low as to be brought by someone.
..nice one 97% share expertise in the field yet fail at answering any of the above questions,
none of this makes me happy, of course. Maybe denial is the way to go.
FFS this thread is about leaving problematic Europe! The lefties have done a great job of swinging it to climate change/global warning.
5. Models are models, they'll be changing continuously. No-one is ever going to claim their model is foolproof. This is a large and completely new field of science, looking at how increased temperatures interact with the oceans, the troposphere, the ice and weater patterns. We don't have hundreds of similar planets to run experiments on or keep as controls. But if you are building a model, of course warming is put in as an assumption, because the planet is warming. CO2 levels are now 405 ppm - up 3 from january alone - wow - and temperatures are rising lock-step with CO2 emissions, just as predicted. That part is really very simple, the models are just trying to predict what will happen.
Lets get back to some important statistics
Seems the Jocks are not so massively pro EU as some inners would have you believe, and are also losing their love
May 2015
Remain in the EU 49%
Sept 2015
Remain in the EU 47%
Jan 2016
Remain in the EU 44%
have to point out that the temperature changes are not rising in lock step with CO2. while the trend line over time of decades is similar, there's considerable divergance on a finer scale. you an see this in the graphs you posted earlier. the models are flawed and predictions are not matching observations, but the theory is remaining unchanged. thats not good science.
This figure of 97% of scientist.agreeing with global warming is BOGUS. This figure comes from a review of how many published scientific papers (I don't know the method of sampling) referred to climate change. So, if a paper was sceptical of climate change, it was included in the 97%.
I am sure they can answer them, but you would have to ask them. As I said i am happy to put my faith in the scientists and their consensus as i have so far seen no reason to doubt them or it. This is why i was interested in where the poster got his information regarding the 97% being a fallacy. Perhaps you could enlighten me?
I note that in fact a scientist has addressed those questions. Good old science doing its job again![]()
Science investigates by criticising conjectures. Attacking criticism is what religious people do they call it blasphemy,and those who spout it are heretics/deniers, like you...as usual.
so whats your motivation then?