Well-known member
April 1st anyone ?
Although it could be argued that it's because we've being fighting wars elsewhere. I'd also suggest that NATO has had something to do with that lasting peace. Although it could be argued that it's because we've being fighting wars elsewhere
So the Chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee is.............(drum roll) also the General Secretary of the Council of Europe. No conflict of interest there obviously...............no doubt Borroso et al had absolutely no idea what was coming.
There really is no end to their arrogance.
Well, the Council of Europe and the European Union are different entities, and Norway isn't part of the EU.
Different legal entities they may be, however to indicte that those at the top of both organisations do not share similar values is laughable. Jagland has been a long time supporter of the EU and has advocated Norway joining against the wishes of the electorate. There have been 2 referendums there now both of which have supported their position to remain out.
Just more of the same arrogance.
As meaningless posts go, that's quite impressive.
I see what you have done there...............more of the same arrogance.
Good stuff.
The fact that someone on a committee is supportive of a given organisation isn't arrogance. Would you post the same nonsense if they were, say, pro-Medicin Sans Frontiere or pro-Save The Children? Those organisations may not be in the same league politically as the EU, but it does appear that you're blind to the point that the predecessor of the EU's original remit was closer financial (and later cultural) integration thereby promoting peace across a war-hit continent. 55 years on, those sentiments may well have been lost, and there's a certain level of arrogance (I'm using your sixth-form Common Room word here) that this level of peace has now been taken for granted as the EU has grown into a clunking, bureaucratic mess.